Chapter 24

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Now watch me whip

Now watch me nae nae

Watch me whip, whip!

I walked into Dawn's house to see her dancing to the song, as Brie sat next to Q looking on

"D what's up with Q?" I asked over the music, a little worried for my god son.

He was swaying his head side to side with his tongue doing circular motions around his mouth, and both his hands were up in the air.

Dawn paused the music and looked at Q.

"Girl ain't nothin' wrong with him. That's just his favorite dance moves," she fanned me off.

I smiled at how comical Q was for a baby. Dawn's son no doubt.

"Okay Brie, your turn!" Dawn shouted as she made way for Brie.

Abrianna stood up smiling, as Dawn put the music back on

Now watch me whip!

Watch me nae nae

I began laughing as I saw Brie do this stiff whip and struggled on the nae nae.

She kinda looked like she was fighting with the motions she made.

Dawn frowned as she looked on.

"Damn. Let's hope she can sing like her father since she inherited his lack of dance talent so bad,"

Dawn shook her head before stopping the music.

"Good job Brie honey, but it's time to get going with your mom before you break something," she walked Brie over to my direction

"...cause you know Aunty Dawn don't play," Dawn smiled and winked at her although she was actually issuing a warning

"Leave my baby alone," I chuckled at Dawn before picking up Abrianna

"You had fun with Aunty and Q?" I asked her

"Uh huh!...but QQ ate Aunty Dawn's lipsick,"
Brie told me

"He ate it??" I looked from Brie to Dawn.

"Yes, he found my good chanel lipstick under my vanity and that little spawn of Jermaine felt it was necessary to take a bite out of it," she shook her head at the thought.

I laughed at her.

"$33 damn dollars..." She went on

"He sees you puttin' shit on your mouth all the time! That's why he ate it...I been told you NOT to do yo make up in front of the boy," Jermaine out of nowhere spoke up from another room

Dawn's eyes narrowed at the room door, " Oh shut the hell up Jermaine! And best believe his daddy gon' pay me back that $33 to get my lipstick"

"The hell I am! You ain't gon let ma son turn into no I am Cait...seeing you puttin on more lipstick!"

Dawn was on the verge of responding to him.

"Were gonna go now. See ya Dawn, bye Q baby! " I gave him a little wave from where he sat on the floor.

As we left the apartment complex Brie spoke up.

"Mommy what's wrong with Cait?" She asked

"Nothing baby. How do you know who's Cait?" I asked wondering how she knew of Bruce who was now Caitlyn Jenner.

"Aunty Alandro watches her at the store. Says she just like her but broker," Brie told me

I bit my bottom lip fighting back my laugher, " Hmm okay baby...let's not tell your dad that alright?"

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