Chapter 11

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"Aight. This our hotel, Dawn whea' yall stayin?" I asked as da car Chris had sent fa us from the airport pulled up.

"Uhh no where," Dawn answered back

I frowned as I spun around in ma seat ta look at her, " da hell you mean nowhea?"

"As in nowhere as yet nigga. We gonna check out yalls hotel and get some rooms too," she snapped back as she motioned ta her cousin Lonnie ta open da door.

I sighed as we all exited.

"So you didn't book anywhere?" Mikaela asked as she placed Brie on da ground

Dawn shrugged, " we ain't know where you would be staying and I know damn well Augment wouldn't tell me"

I eyed her, " betcho ass I wouldnt"

"Can we stahp arguing and get a room por favor?....eets hatt out here" Alejandro said as he fanned himself.

" the way your room is comin' out of your bonus" Dawn told Alejandro as we all walked to da entrance...


"Brie Babeh let me help you," I said, as I saw her struggling ta tie up her shoe lace.

"I can do it daddy," she objected as she kept on at it.

"Aight babygirl," I smirked and said back

"Aug could you zip me up?" Mikaela came out da bathroom sayin, as she spun around fa me to help her.

I eyed her from da back, " as long as I get ta help unzip it later"

She smiled before peckin my lips after I had zipped up da dress.

"Aight Brie babeh, either you figure out those laces or ya go barefooted...cause yo impatient mama just bout ready"

Abrianna sighed in defeat, befo stickin' out her feet so I could tie em.

"Aight na'. Let's go get dis party LIT" I told ha as she giggled


"Lil big brozay!" I heard chris say as da three of us strolled into his big ass backyard.

"Lil momma, wats uppp" Chris said ta Brie who I was holdin'

"Babeh wish Royalty happy birthday ," I instructed her

"Appy birf day," she said as she leaned in and kissed Chris' daughter on the forehead....

I chilled wit Tyga as Mikaela and Chris went on talkin, and Brie played wit da other kids at da party

"You want another Corona man?" Tyga asked me.

I nodded as ma eyes fell upon Brie and dis little boy towards da petting pen.

This boy pulled up his shirt and showed Brie his belly button and chest, befo tryna pull up hers.

I raised an eyebrow at em befo stridin' ta whea dey were at

"Now hol' up lil nigga, " I said as I picked him up and stood him away from Brie

"Da next time you try ta strip ma daughter Imma break ma foot off in ya a-"

"AUGUST!" Mikaela shouted and interrupted me.

I looked up at ha for a second, and da lil weasel was gone by da time I looked back down

"What are you doing?" She said under her breath to me

"I caught junior perv over thea tryna undress Abrianna," I said still feelin pissed off

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