Chapter 51

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My frown deepened as everything these people were saying to me made absolutely no sense.

"Ok, someone please explain to me why the FUCK my boyfriend is in prison when he brought our daughter to the E.R??" I said out of exasperation.

"Ms Montgomery?" A voice behind me said causing me to spin around.

A tall middle eastern looking doctor looked back at me.

"That's the doctor whose dealing with Brie Brie," Dawn informed.

I swiftly walked up to her, " yes. Doctor, how's my daughter? Is she alright?"

"Come in here, so I can explain," she said looking from me to Dawn.

"I'm Dr Ross. First and foremost Abrianna is stable," she began as soon as we entered an empty room.

"What was wrong with her in the first place?" Dawn spoke up.

She looked at us gravely," Lab work just came in and confirmed, but even from her symptoms it seems your daughter ingested ethylene glycol"

Both Dawn and I were confused, " what is that?"

"Abrianna is suffering from anti freeze poisoning," the Doctor said in plain terms

All the wind seemed to escape my body.

"Anti freeze? Where would she have gotten that?" Dawn said as I was at a loss for words.

"That's where Child Services and the police come in," Dr Ross said motioning to the two we were previously talking to outside.

"Ms Montgomery does your daughter usually play in or near your garage, where she could've gotten into anti freeze?" The police officer stepped forward and questioned me.

I began shaking my head, " no we never leave her unattended and definitely not playing around in the garage. Is that where anti freeze comes from, vehicles?" I asked at the end

"It's commonly used in vehicles to prevent liquids in the engine from freezing. Most accidental anti freeze ingestions by small children are usually from them drinking the solution found in garage or auto shops," he explained

"No. Brie is smart. She'd never drink strange things laying around- besides she doesn't have access to our garage. It's key coded, so only time she's there is when me or August are getting into our cars with her," I told the officer.

"So you're saying she couldn't have been accidentally poisoned?" The child services worker added.

I looked over at her, clearly knowing what she was insinuating.
"No, as I told the police officer."

She jotted down some more notes at that.

"Is she really okay though doctor? When my boyfriend called me on his way here with her, she sounded terrible," I shivered remembering the noises she made in the background.

"She came in with nausea and vomiting, and seemed to have experienced a seizure as well. tests showed a significant level of the poison in her system, but we've started her on a treatment of fomepizole- it's like an antidote for anti freeze."

I hadn't realized it but Dawn was now holding me up as my body shook from the things Dr Ross was saying had happened to my child.

"Will she recover fully from this?" Dawn asked

"it's early but her body is responding positively to the antidote. We will need to monitor her for the next 48 hours to be sure." Dr Ross said sympathetically

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