Chapter 53

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"Okay pumpkin, wave to maw maw" I told Brie as I recorded the video of her getting out of the car.

Today, she was released from the hospital after all trace amounts of the poison were shown to have left her body.

"Oop, careful baby!" I said as she closely missed a fall as she got down from the vehicle.

I lunged forward to her but August had beat me to it. He grabbed hold of Brie, steadying her weakened legs.

It was obvious this had taken a toll on her. The doctors told us with rest and time, she'd be back to her previous healthier state.

"Daddy I can do it," she said as August picked her up in his arms, shutting the car door behind him.

"I know Brie babeh," he said still with a straight face. He picked up her bag he was previously carrying and proceeded to walk up the front path.

I sighed since I knew that finding out someone we were close to had done all this harm to our daughter had really messed with August's head. He became somewhat withdrawn and quiet since the police made his assumption.

The night before he stayed up the entire time, in deep thought- which was starting to scare me. Memories of him pushing me away during Brie's kidnapping flooded back to my mind- keeping me very uneasy about everything.

Yet, we began working exclusively with officer Daniels and his team, since he was the one to discover all of this development thus far. We submitted a list of all the people who knew of Brie's lactose intolerance- and a possible underlying motive to do this.

In the mean time, he told us to remain calm and act normal. Obviously this was easier said and done, though we hadn't seen anyone since big T's and Dawn's visit. I still couldn't believe it was one of my friends- and this was what was driving me even more crazy.

"Are you happy to be home?" I tried to keep Brie cheery as I pulled out the key for the front door.

"Uh huh," she said before yawning.

"Paxi seems happy too," I said as I looked down at him in his leash.

She gave me a tired smile as she layed her head on August's chest.

"Ok...home sweet-"


I stood there in shock as I saw everyone standing inside cheering on.

Apparently they'd organized this welcome home surprise party for Abrianna without our knowledge.

"Surprise yall!" Sneak spoke up, as Dawn tooted a little party horn furiously. Kyanne stood front and center with a cake, as Big T, Megan, knuck, Chandra, Noelle, Lonnie and Alejandro all beamed at us.

"Brieee!" Ale began to squeal and approach us with outstretched arms.


Everyone went silent at August's intense words as Alejandro stopped dead in his tracks. Brie looked afraid since she'd never heard August cuss out loud like that, and even I was taken aback since that's the most he'd said all day.

"How da fuck did yall even get into ma house? Huh??, get da fuck out- all yall!" He raged on before bypassing everyone and taking Abrianna upstairs

I stood facing the shocked and confused faces, not knowing what to say.

"I think you all should leave. This isn't a good time at all," was all I said as I stepped aside allowing them to exit.

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