Chapter 36

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I wrote this entire chapter last night and you know how wattpad rewarded me? By saving the first 14 words only. I was madder than a mfer .so I just wrote the entire thing again this morning. Excuse any errors in here, I didn't proofread.



I stood in silence with my hand August had just pushed away still mid air.

" I promised her I'd never let anything ever happen to ha'..." he said with his head bowed in his palm of his hand.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. The day Brie was born, he had this heart-felt little conversation with her.

"I told ha I'd always protect her, and yet..." he said as his voice cracked.

I looked on, debating on whether or not I should just let him be or if I should just hold him like I actually wanted to do.

"Aug," I finally whispered but didn't seem to even hear me. He was now staring at his tattoo of Brie's feet imprints through the mirror hanging on the wall.

Seconds later he swiftly wiped away the tears from his sleep-deprived face.

"I need ta do mo'..." he muttered, then strided out of her room.

I hated to see how much this was hurting him inside since he hardly showed it.


I looked at nothin in particular as da few people around me hustled and bustled.

I ain't even know how long I was standin thea befo this woman interrupted me.

Mr Alsina? We're ready for you," a news reporter said ta me.

I was bout ta do a live broadcast, appealing to da public across da nation to come forward if dey had any information about Abrianna's disappearance or whereabouts.

We'd done so through our social media but never a public statement, since our team thought we shouldn't cause we were high profile folk. But now I just felt like I was runnin' outta options and I needed ta do anything ta get ma daughter back.

I rubbed ma eyes one time befo steppin' in front of da nearby podium.


I crumpled up all the letters which the police told me had no actual leads and threw them into the waste basket in my office.

Everyday I would go through the mail and find people who wrote to us in different states claiming to have seen the vehicle or a child matching Brie's description. I'd pass them to the FBI who would bring back majority of the letters a day or two later, telling me they were false leads.

I was still praying that out of the few they kept, one of them would be the one in helping us find Brie.

"I thought you'd be looking at Aug's statement in here," Noelle walked in with a tray of food saying.

I looked up at her," huh...what?"

"August. On the news. Now?" She threw out some words trying to jog my memory but I was clueless.

She frowned at me a little as she took the remote and turned the channel to news.


I'm asking the public. Anyone who mighta seen somethin'...who suspect dey neighbor of anything. Please, I'm asking not as an entertainer or public figure. I'm askin' as only a father, to help me find ma little girl. Our family just wants ha back. We're offerin' a 5 million dollar reward ta anyone who can help us get our Brie back home and safe.

"They're carrying this on all the major someone should see this and come forward," she spoke hopefully.

I stood there a little confused. Why didn't he tell me about this?


I tried calling August's phone for the umpteenth time today, but once again it went to voicemail.

"August call me back when you get this?" I ended the call with a sigh.

I know he was going through a lot after how he reacted at the house 2 nights ago, but the least he could do was inform me of the public statement. Lord knows I would've come to say something as well.

I tapped my fingers on the edge of the end table in the living room when I heard the front door open and shut.

I awaited for whoever it was, and it was August.

"August, I've been trying to reach you all day," I began speaking

"Why didn't you tell me about this public statement? I mean even if it was spontaneous or something you could've called or have T or someone tell me," I continued as I followed behind him.

I frowned when I realised he just kept walking and wasn't acknowledging me.

"August." I called to him but he didn't budge.

He was now at the foot of the staircase when I hurried towards him and pulled on his shoulder so he could turn around and face me.

"I'm talking to you. Why the hell didn't you tell me anything?" I asked still confused by his behavior.

"Well you just love ta keep shit from me, I thought I'd return da favor," he said looking at me through the corner of his eyes.

I stepped back once and cocked my head backward.

"Excuse you?" I said growing offended by his words.

"Ya heard me," he shot back as he began turning around to continue back up the stairs.

"That's how you're thinking now," I said to him.

He spun around with a clenched jaw walking back to me.

"You let ha go to dat park without tellin me! You broke our rule! And you never thought to tell me that yo fuckin father tried ta kill you! " he shouted at me.

I was beyond pissed by now.

"Yeah? I never wanted him to even live here with us in the first place! But YOU let him. I never wanted him to getting so close to Brie but time and time again YOU let him!!" I screamed back at him.

"If yo ass had told me everything you think I'd let him stay round?!!" He yelled back down my throat.

"See that's the thing August. If you told me to not let Brie around any person I wouldn't let her! Regardless! I wouldn't even question you because I trust your judgment!! I TRUST YOU!!" I said at the top of my voice as I stared right up into his anger filled eyes.

"I guess that's the difference between us. I'm the only who trusts the other...."

"What's all this shouting about?" My mother walked in with Ms Sheila right behind her.

"Maybe yall should give each other some space," Ms Sheila walked alongside us who were still silently glaring at each other.

She placed her hands on my shoulders as August looked away and shook his head slightly.

Before anyone could say anything else, he walked passed me and out the room. A slam of the front door shook me as I began crying at the reality of what just happened.....

Welllll then

Should Aug have done the public statement without telling Mikaela?

What about him blaming her for Brie's kidnapping. Should he have done so?

And Mikaela saying that he should have trusted her judgement without a detailed explanation. Is she right in that sense??

Don't be biased in your comments now lol think about it from both ends.

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