09|The Father's Wrath

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"She didn't sob or wail

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"She didn't sob or wail. Her grief
was horribly discreet but as
persistent and almost as silent as
bleeding from an unstitched wound."
~Patrick Gale
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Akemi looked up when her uncle and Zuko walked into the war room. She frowned, Zuko was not meant to be here. No one made any comment and the meeting proceeded to start.

Bujing was the first to speak. "The Earth Kingdom defenses are concentrated here," Bujing pointed the place out on the map. "A dangerous battalion of their strongest earthbenders and fiercest warriors. So I am recommending the forty-first division."

An man who's years of experience had withered his face, spoke up. "But the forty-first is entirely new recruits. How do you expect them to defeat a powerful Earth Kingdom battalion?" The elder soldier asked. "I don't. They'll be used as a distraction while we mount an attack from the rear. What better to use as bait than fresh meat?" Bujing almost smiled as he answered.

Akemi's face did not show it, but she felt guilty.

"You can't sacrifice an entire division like that! Those soldiers love and defend our nation! How can you betray them?" Zuko demanded as he jumped to his feet. That was the day all smiles died. Everyone turned to look at the young prince, even Akemi.

Everything that followed happened quickly. There was screaming as the Fire Lord upbraided young Zuko. Ozai had not yet gotten to the punishment Zuko would get, but everyone knew. Zuko had directly disrespected a general. In the Fire Nation there was only one way to solve such a matter of disrespect.

Agni Kai.

Zuko, with all the courage of a young boy, looked at the old general. "I'm not afraid!" He hissed. Zuko stormed out of the war room.

Akemi turned to look back at her father who sat on his raised platform, surrounded by warm flames. His face was hidden by the shadows cast by the red and orange flames.


Some hours passed by and at least a thousand people had gathered to watch the Agni Kai. Azula, Iroh and Akemi had the best seats, right by the platform. Everywhere you looked there were red and gold banners as well as torches. When the pillow next to Akemi remained empty, realisation dawned on her. Just as she turned to the podium, Ozai walked through and turned his back to the other entrance.

A long burgundy cloak fell over Ozai's large frame, making him appear bigger. He crouched down, resting one hand on the floor.

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