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"The problem is,you think you have time

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"The problem is,
you think you have time."
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"The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!" Aang exclaimed as the trio looked at the huge city "I used to always come here to visit my friend Bumi." Katara looked impressed "Wow. We don't have buildings like this in the South Pole!"

"They have buildings here that don't melt!" Sokka whimpered, mouth wide open as he looked at the massive city before him "Well let's go, slow pokes. The real fun's inside the city!" Called, leaping off the hill they were walking on.

"Wait, Aang! It could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar." Katara extended her arm to stop the young boy "You need a disguise," Sokka said thoughtfully, the wheels in his head turning as he tried to think of a good disguise "So what am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?" Aang challenged, his voice dripping with sarcasm.


Akemi got out of her bath and quickly slid on her dark red robe, covering the large scar on her right arm. A servant walked into the room and tied Akemi's damp black hair in a ponytail.

The princess was silent throughout the encounter and soon enough she was in her own room again. Her eyes looking at the mirror on the wall.

Ever since Kyoshi Island, Akemi had felt different. She had done something wrong when she was there. Something she would have been publicly shamed for. She had extinguished the flames on the statues of Avatar Kyoshi and Guardian Ru.

The dark red fabric fell from her body, pooling around her feet, leaving her to look at her bare body. Gold coloured eyes staring at the severely scarred arm.

Her hand was scarred the most, the skin being the darkest there, before fading a bit up to her elbow. After which the scar branched out, meeting her collarbone. If one looked close enough, they'd see very faint white lines, even subtler than faded stretch marks, run from her shoulder to her stomach. They followed the path that the lightning had in her body all those years ago.


Sokka cringed as he, Katara and Aang were escorted into a throne room. Had he not been arrested, he would definitely be admiring the regal room. His blue eyes drifted to see an old man sitting on the throne, he had a crazy look in his eyes. Next to the king, stood a girl who looked to be around his age, if not one or two years older, she had tan skin like the king, her brown hair just reaching his shoulders.

The girl wore a green shirt with a leather chest plate, the front and back were connected with two small straps. She wore comfortable looking green trousers, two plates of metal enforced armour rested on her legs. Normally Sokka would have thought she was the king's daughter and was dressed up according to some weird Earth Kingdom tradition, but if his time with Suki had taught him anything it was that the girl was probably a guard.

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