11|Facing The Consequences

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Last two episodes:
In search for a firebending master, the gaang finds Jeong-Jeong, a Fire Nation Army deserter.
Aang fails to control fire and when Zhao finds the gaang, they flee and Aang just hopes
to find a new firebending master. Akemi has been awaiting the consequences of
her defiance. Continuing their travels, the gaang comes across the Northern Air Temple,
they meet the Mechanist and his son Teo. 

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"I do not wish women to havepower over men; but over themselves

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"I do not wish women to have
power over men; but over themselves."
~Mary Wollstonecraft
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"I'm not one to complain," Sokka murmured as he laid on Appa's saddle, spread out without a care. His eyes fixed on the horizon. "But can't Appa fly any higher?" As the words left the Water Tribe boy's lips, the flying bison lost altitude and his paws dragged through the water before he flew higher.

Aang's jaw tightened slightly. "I have an idea! Why don't we all get on your back and you could fly us to the North Pole?!" Aang pointed at Sokka.

Said boy grinned sarcastically and got up. "I'd love to," He pointed at his back. "Climb on everyone," The Water Tribe boy started shaking his but. "Sokka's ready for take off." While Katara and Aang did not follow Sokka's commands, Momo did and climbed up Sokka's back. Sokka narrowed his eyes at Momo.

Waving her hands up and down while looking in between Aang and Sokka, Katara spoke. "Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight." As she spoke her brother pulled Momo off his back and sat down, the flying-lemur on his lap.

"And for what? We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe," Appa floated amongst small islands of ice covered in snow that drifted on the cold ocean. "There's nothing up here!" Sokka finished.

Katara had long laid her head on the egde of the saddle, blue eyes following the movement of the water below. "I miss Nuan," She murmured. As the words left her lips, spikes shot up in front of Appa and reached for the sky.

Aang screamed in fright and yanked the reins to try and get Appa to avoid the sudden obstacle. The Southern Water Tribe siblings grasped the saddle to keep themselves from being thrown into the freezing waters under them. Thanks to the airbenders' fast reflexes, Appa and Aang managed to avoid the ice, but just as they did, new spikes shot up in front of Appa again.

Part of the new spikes attached to Appa's leg, the flying-bison easily broke the ice, but the ice threw him off just enough to send him hurling towards the icy waters. Appa broke the surface and was instantly frozen in place.

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