06|Returning 'Home' pt. I

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"Why are you full of rage?Because you are so full of grief

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"Why are you full of rage?
Because you are so full of grief."
~ Anne Carson
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"There they are. Helmsman! Full steam ahead!" Akemi sauntered onto the deck and raised an eyebrow "What's going on here?" A soldier rushed to answer her but she raised her hand, making the soldier stop.

"The Avatar." Akemi's eyes narrowed at the flying white dot, she turned and saw that a catapult was ready to fire. The stench of the projectile filled everyone's noses.

Iroh waved his fan delicately to get the odour away from him as he winced "Uh, really Prince Zuko, couldn't you shoot them down with something more fragrant?" Iroh didn't seem to care that he was ignored. Zuko light up the projectile with a simple fire punch "On my mark!"

Zuko brought down a hand "Fire!" The words rolled off his lips and a guard beside him sliced the catapult's rope. A whistle was heard as the projectile cut through the air towards the Avatar.

However Aang skilfully destroyed the projectile.

Akemi's cold gold eyes narrowed "Prepare to fire." Guards rushed around, preparing a new rock. Zuko and Akemi nodded "Fire!" Once more a projectile whizzed through the air before Akemi started moving her arms in circular motions.

The water propelled the ship forward. The cat & mouse game between the Avatar and the royal siblings had begun.

"A blockade," Zuko breathed out, his gaze directed on the grey line against the fast approaching horizon. There were a few dozen ships in the blockade. Two rows of Fire Nation ships that stretched as far as the eye could see.

"Technically you are still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now and they cannot arrest you," Iroh said. He looked up at his nephew, hoping the boy would come to his senses. Akemi stopped bending the water and raised an eyebrow awaiting Zuko's command.

"He's not turning around!" Zuko screamed, turning back to look at Iroh as Akemi rolled her eyes at the stubbornness of her younger brother "Please Prince Zuko! If the Fire Nation captures you, there is nothing I can do! Do not follow the Avatar," Iroh pleaded, eyes studying his nephew carefully.

Zuko lowered his head, closed his eyes and his fists clenched at his side. There was a beat of silence as he pondered on his options "I'm sorry, Uncle." Eyes snapped open as he thrusted his hand forward "Run the blockade!"

"Guards!" Akemi snapped her fingers and two practically appeared by her side "Get me out of this armour." The two rushed and untied the leather strings before lifting the chest and shoulder plates off of her frame. Leaving the girl in her thin shirt and dress.

"What are you doing?" Zuko demanded. Akemi released her hair from it's half up topknot and had one of her maids quickly tie it back in a full topknot "Taking care of the Avatar." She marched past him, front bangs brushing her chin.

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