02|Ginseng Tea

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"Truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it

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"Truth does not change according
to our ability to stomach it."
~Flannery O'Connor
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Lu Ten laughed as he spun Akemi around in the air "Put me down." The young girl screamed "I thought you loved being thrown in the air." Lu Ten challenged, setting the girl back down "I never said that." Akemi grumbled, rolling her eyes as her cousin sat down next to her. A silence set on them for a few seconds before Akemi asked the question that had been on her mind for days "When are you coming back?" Lu Ten sighted before answering "I don't know yet, Kemi." He pursed his lips and looked at the pond in front of them "Here." Lu Ten took a small porcelain dragon from his pocket and handed it to Akemi "Hold onto this until I come back from Ba Sing Se."


"Akemi, the Avatar has escaped!" Zuko shouted as he entered the girl's room. Akemi stood up from her bed and ran beside Zuko. The two siblings sprinted towards the upper deck, just in time to see Aang throw his staff in the air. Zuko growled as he ran towards Aang, who jumped into the air after his staff. Akemi jumped over the railing of the upper deck and used her firebending to ease her fall. Meanwhile, Zuko and Aang crashed onto the deck.

Aang rose and assumed a fighting stance, looking very unsure of himself. Akemi smirked, pulling her hands back, ready to send a wave of fire at him when a Flying Bison came into view "What is that?" Zuko asked in shock as Akemi remembered what her past life had told her "It's a Flying Bison." She breathed out as Zuko turned to look at her, wondering why she knew that "Appa!" Aang exclaimed ecstatic before he quickly deflected a combined attack from Akemi and Zuko. The boy was pushed back by the force and stood on the edge of the ship. Zuko sent two fire blasts at Aang, effectively knocking him into the ocean beneath them.

Akemi walked closer to the edge, just as she was about to jump in, a water pillar rose from the ocean, Aang on top of it, his eyes and tattoos glowing. Akemi's eyes widened as Aang landed on the middle of the deck. Water swirling around him before it extended over the deck as a wave, washing everyone off. As Akemi's body hit the ice cold water, she moved her arms in a circular way, bending the water to catch her before forming a pillar.

"Aang! Are you okay?" Katara asked worridly as she jumped off of Appa and gently picked up Aang "Hey, Katara. Hey, Sokka. Thanks for coming." Aang whispered weakly "Well, I couldn't let you have all the glory." Sokka smiled, looking down at his new friend "I dropped my staff." Aang continued "Got it!" Sokka rose to his feet and ran towards Aang's staff, at the same time Zuko grabbed the other end. The two struggled for a bit before Sokka poked Zuko repeatedly in the head. Zuko grunts and falls backward as he lets go of the staff. He falls off the side of the ship, but manages to grasp the anchor chain "Ha! That's from the Water Tribe!" Sokka called as he started to run back to Appa, only to let out a high pitched scream.

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