17|The Ballad of Mi-Sun

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"If I told you about the darknessinside of me would you stilllook at me like I'm the Sun?"᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃

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"If I told you about the darkness
inside of me would you still
look at me like I'm the Sun?"
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The morning was bright and golden, Akemi gently twisted her hair up into a bun. Her gaze was fixated on the ever-sleeping Mi-Sun. Akemi brushed her fingers over her own lips before shaking her head and standing up. Feiryu looked up as Akemi passed by him, but dozed off quickly when he noticed a lack of danger.

The disgraced princess knelt by a creek and washed her bloodied cloths before bending the water out of them so she could use them again. She washed her and Mi-Sun's clothes humbly on her knees. It would not be long before Akemi's hands that only knew callous from weapons would crack under the force of manual labour that princesses were not meant to endure. Or at least, that was what Akemi had always been taught.

Sitting on her knees by a creek, with no company besides her ghosts, Akemi had to admit that she found it doable. It was not hellish, to say the least.

Akemi twisted the last water out of the clothes before collecting them in her arms and strolling back to the little campsite. She found Mi-Sun wide awake, the woman had her back turned to Akemi and was warming up some water for tea. Mi-Sun's curly hair was still messy and her back largely uncovered, and Akemi found her cheeks warming. The girl inhaled softly so that Mi-Sun would not hear and then approached slowly as so not to startle Mi-Sun.

Still, almost as if she was warned, Mi-Sun turned and smiled radiantly at Akemi and greeted the younger girl. Akemi's brows knit together slightly, wondering how Mi-Sun could be so positive after the horrors that the duo had committed the night before.

"Misaki? Earth to Misaki?" Mi-Sun waved a hand in front of Akemi and the girl flicked her gaze over to Mi-Sun who shook her head laughing. "Where were you with your head?" Akemi opened and closed her mouth to answer, but Mi-Sun continued speaking before the Guardian ever got a chance to string together words and form a proper sentence. "Doesn't matter, I was thinking about heading further down the road, there's a swamp nearby but we can go around it. What do you think?"

Without thinking twice Akemi nodded, she had no direction but Mi-Sun. Ever since pain and death took over Guardian Island Akemi had known no goal or will but to follow the woman who had extended her a hand. The war and Aang would come, but until then Akemi would follow Mi-Sun in a life of sin and evil. This was her widow honeymoon, a breath of fresh air after years of being weighed down by a cruel man with rough hands and sharp edges.

Mi-Sun pressed her lips to Akemi's cheek as she walked past, packing up camp as they did every morning. The kiss made the princess of fire feel hot, shame and joy battling to the surface. Akemi bent down to roll up her sleeping bag and sneaked a look at Mi-Sun as she did.

Rules be damned.

If the world would accept loveless and cruel marriages that butchered young girls, they could tolerate whatever it was that bloomed between Mi-Sun and Akemi. And if the world could not, Akemi and Mi-Sun could, if only for a brief moment. Until Akemi returned to her life as an exiled princess who had to shoulder the responsibility of righting the wrongs of the war and her nation. The great nation that rested on a throne of lies and bones.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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