|| PART 11 ||

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Prachi's pov

"What is that you called me here, that too early in the morning?" Shahana asked, as she paced around the room, eating the apple in her hand. "I thought it was really important, and came running without bothering to have my breakfast. I will die of hunger," she said, taking another bite.

Wearing on my earrings and adjusting my hair, I packed my bag, listening to Shahana's blabbering.

"Will you speak something?" she asked, chewing the food and turning me around so that I was now facing her.

Taking a deep breath, I said, "Maa and Paapa wants to get me and Pranav married."

Shahana choked and started coughing. I took a glass of water and made her drink, patting on her head.

"What?" she asked, in between the coughs.

"First drink the water," I said and she obeyed.

"Okay, tell me," she said, composing herself.

"Yesterday, when we reached back, they told me that they want to get Rhea married along with me. I tried avoiding it saying that I want to study but Rhea reminded me of some non existent bet," I said.

"Did she mean the deal?" she asked me and I nodded.

"I told them that I have no boyfriend and they can choose the man for me. I thought it will take time and I can get up with some plan by that time, but, what I didn't know was, they had already thought of the groom for me," I said, fidgeting my fingers, as I was nervous.

"And the groom is Pranav," she concluded and I nodded.

The room fell silent.

"But did Pranav agree?" she asked, breaking the silence. I pressed the bridge of my nose with my fingers and took them further up, to rub my forehead.

"Tell me, Prachi," she said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

Taking a deep breath, she said, "That is the most embarrassing part. Uma aunty told me that he..," I hesitated. "...he loves me and likes to have me as his wife," I managed to say somehow.

"What? Did he have feelings for you?" she asked surprised and shocked at the same time.

"Thankfully, Pranav is not at home. He went to Banglore for a business meeting and I am not sure when he will be back," I said.

The room fell silent again.

"What did Ranbir say?" she asked me, in a low voice.

I stopped biting my nails and looked at her.

"When the news was broken, we were surrounded by the elders and Rhea was snuggling on to his arms. When she mentioned about the bet, I saw him glare at her. I doubt if he had figured out anything," I said, looking at her suspiciously.

Raising her hands up in the air, as if accepting surrender, she said, "I have done nothing. No betrayal from my part."

I looked away.

"What did you say about this relation?" she asked.

"I was too shocked to respond and Uma ma'am looked so expectant. I couldn't say anything. I am sure they will be asking me to spent time with him. I will try my best to keep things at bay, until I find a solution," I explained what I was planning to do.

"Forget all this. Let's hurry. We have to get our hall tickets from college today," I said, taking my bag.

"Okay," she said, taking her bag.

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