|| PART 23 ||

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"Eat this," Mithali urged, extending a handcrafted peda towards Prachi. "I'm full, Chachi," Prachi mumbled, her mouth already brimming with the sweet treat.

"No, you must try it. I made these especially for you," Mithali insisted, her voice laced with affection.

Rhea, who happened to be passing by, clenched her fists tightly. A surge of anger washed over her, and she yearned to lash out at Prachi. Yet, recalling Aaliya's counsel, she restrained the impulse.

With a huff, Rhea spun on her heel, intent on secluding herself in her room. However, as she strode past Prachi's door, a mischievous thought struck her. "Why not sneak a peek at her belongings and inflict some damage? That might just alleviate my frustration," she pondered. After a cautious glance to ensure solitude, she gently pushed the door open.

To her delight, the door swung open without resistance—a fortunate twist.

Her gaze landed on a photograph perched on the table. With a rush of vindictive glee, she reached for it, intending to shatter it against the floor. But her resolve wavered as she recognized the faces of Abhi and Pragya. Gently, almost reverently, she placed the frame back down, her attention now drawn to the nearby bed.

Seizing a pillow, she flung it to the ground. Her eyes then caught sight of a diary. As she lifted it, two photographs slipped out.

"Me and my other half," read the inscription on the back, penned in Prachi's familiar script. The image revealed infant Rhea and Prachi, nestled together.

A tremor ran through Rhea's hands, her throat constricting momentarily.

She flipped open the diary to return the photo and caught sight of the words: "Rhea is my younger sister..."

"Rhea, who has been my adversary since my arrival in Delhi, is revealed to be my sister—my own flesh and blood, my other half. Despite the tumultuous circumstances of this discovery, a wave of joy washed over me. The sister I shared our mother's womb with, the sister I encountered even before facing the world, is Rhea. I've harbored so many dreams of meeting my sister. The extra slice of cake reserved for her during our birthdays, I long to share it with her. I yearn to present her with the gifts our mother lovingly selected for her each year. Yet, I'm plagued by doubt—will she ever embrace me? It's hard to fathom that she's the same person I've cherished sight unseen."

With a sudden snap, Rhea shut the diary. She replaced it on the bed, retrieved the pillow from the floor, and restored it to its rightful place. Quietly closing the door, she retreated.

She turned to see Prachi walking towards the door. As she walked past Prachi, a soft inquiry halted her. "Do you need something?" Prachi asked, noticing Rhea's lingering presence outside her room.

"No," Rhea replied curtly, continuing on her way.

Upon entering her room, the timely ring of her phone caught her attention.

"Disha Mausi," Prachi read aloud from the caller ID.

"Hello, Disha Mausi," Prachi greeted with a beam.

"What? City Hospital?" The smile vanished from Prachi's face, replaced by a mask of concern. "I'll be there immediately," she declared. Snatching her bag and mobile, Prachi hastened out the door.

Prachi hastened through the hospital's labyrinthine corridors, her heart pounding with urgency. She arrived at the casualty area, where the sterile scent of antiseptic hung heavy in the air.

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