|| PART 22 ||

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Dadi was seated on her bed, immersed in the sacred text, her spectacles perched on the bridge of her nose, when the sound of footsteps drew her attention. She looked up to see Aaryan entering the room. With a gentle smile, she removed her glasses and placed a bookmark between the pages. "Aaryan..." she called out softly.

Aaryan turned the key in the lock, securing the door, and approached her with a solemn expression. "What's the matter, Aaryan? Why did you close the door?" Dadi inquired, her voice laced with concern as she set the holy book and her spectacles on the bedside table.

"Dadi, there's something I need to ask you," he said, taking a seat beside her. "Of course, beta. Ask away," she replied, her tone soothing.

Aaryan's gaze fell upon the holy book resting on the table. He picked it up, cradling it in his hands. Dadi watched him, a crease of confusion forming on her forehead. "But first, you must make me a promise," he said earnestly. "Tell me what troubles you, Aaryan. You're worrying me," she urged.

"I need to know something from you, but you must swear on this holy book—and on me—that you'll tell me the truth and never reveal our conversation to anyone else," Aaryan implored, extending the book towards her. With a hesitant nod, Dadi placed her hand on the book. "I promise," she affirmed.

Setting the book aside, Aaryan produced the photographs he had discovered. He noticed Dadi's eyes widen in recognition.

"Where did you find these?" Dadi's voice quivered with emotion. "Who is this woman, Dadi? Isn't this Prachi's mausi? Was she married to Dad? Was Dad married before he married Mom?" Aaryan's questions tumbled out as he presented the photograph of Disha and Purab's wedding ceremony—the one he had found hidden in the vase.

"Swear on me, Dadi. I need to know the truth," Aaryan insisted, guiding her hand to rest upon his head. Dadi let out a weary sigh, her resistance fading.

"Alright, I will tell you," she conceded, and Aaryan released her hand.

"That is Disha, your father's second wife," Dadi revealed, taking the photograph into her trembling hands. "Second? Then who is Mom?" Aaryan interjected. "Your mother is Purab's third wife," Dadi disclosed, meeting Aaryan's gaze, which was etched with shock.

"There are certain truths we've kept from the younger generation," she admitted.

Leaning forward, Dadi retrieved a key from a hidden pouch at her waist and unlocked a drawer. From within, she produced a small album.

As she flipped through the album, she began to unveil the past. "This is Bulbul," she said, her finger tracing the image of a woman standing close to Purab, with Abhi and Pragya at their sides. "She was your father's first wife, Pragya's sister," Dadi explained. Aaryan studied the photograph intently. "Aaliya had feelings for Purab, but he was in love with Bulbul. Their love triangle ultimately led to Abhi and Pragya's union. But a tragic accident during a celebration took Bulbul's life. Your father was heartbroken. It was then that Disha came into his life," she narrated, turning to a page that held a photo identical to the one Aaryan held.

"They married and had a son, Sunny," she continued, pointing to a family portrait.

"So, he's my half-brother?" Aaryan asked, examining the photo closely. "Yes," Dadi confirmed. "And who is this girl?" he inquired, indicating another figure in the picture. "That's Kiara, Abhi and Pragya's first child," she said.

Aaryan was momentarily taken aback, absorbing the revelation. He scrutinized the photo with newfound interest.

"Where is she now?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Dadi's eyes brimmed with tears. "She is no longer with us. Her loss is what drove Abhi and Pragya apart twenty three years ago."

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