|| PART 18 ||

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Prachi ascended the stage, her steps measured and deliberate, and took her place beside Pranav. She could feel the weight of Ranbir's gaze upon her, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught the twist of his lips into an arrogant, victorious smirk.

Uma, with a gentle smile, presented the ring to Pranav.

"Prachi, extend your hand," Pragya instructed.

With her options dwindling, Prachi stretched out her hand, her movements hesitant. Her heart pounded against her ribcage, a frantic rhythm that threatened to escape. She clenched her eyes shut, bracing for the inevitable.

"There's already a ring on her finger!" Mithali's voice pierced the air, shrill and accusing as Prachi offered her finger.

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd as all eyes fixated on the unexpected adornment.

"Your finger was bare until today," Mithali declared, her words fanning the flames of speculation.

 Aryan glanced at Ranbir, who stood with an air of nonchalance, shoulders squared and head held high, seemingly unfazed by the commotion.

 "There's no point in asking, is there? It was you who slipped that ring on her finger, wasn't it?" Aryan murmured into Ranbir's ear, receiving nothing but a smug smirk in response.

"Let's await her response," Ranbir said coolly. 

"Ranbir, I don't appreciate you putting my sister in such a predicament. Besides, you're only going to earn her disdain this way," Aryan advised, concern lacing his words, but Ranbir merely shrugged, his gaze locked on the unfolding drama.

"Prachi... remove it," Pragya urged, stepping closer.

"Actually, after the beautician departed, I was adorning myself with the jewelry. I must have been so preoccupied with the ceremony that I absentmindedly wore it on the left finger instead of the right. And now, it won't come off," Prachi explained, her voice tinged with panic as she tugged at the stubborn ring.

Ranbir's expression darkened, a shadow falling over his features. He turned to Aaryan, who offered him nothing but a mocking glance. 

"I always knew your sister excelled at everything, but now she's perfected the art of fabrication," Ranbir whispered bitterly.

"It's alright," Pranav and Uma chimed in unison, their voices a soothing balm amidst the tension.

"It's just a ceremony," Uday added, his casual dismissal attempting to defuse the situation. "The ring can be worn on the other hand as well," Pranav suggested, his tone diplomatic.

Abhi and Pragya exhaled a deep breath of relief, their anxiety dissipating like mist.

Pranav then slipped the ring onto Prachi's finger, and in turn, she adorned his. Pranav passed her a smile, and she returned, her heart heavy with guilt.

"So, she's engaged now. I can't wait to marry you," Rhea purred, winding her arms around Ranbir's waist.

Prachi and Pranav stood side by side on the stage, their gazes lingering in the direction of the departing guest. 

It was in this moment of distraction that Prachi felt a pair of hands gently cover her eyes from behind. The touch was familiar, warm—a feeling of closeness, a sense of belonging enveloped her. A distinctive scent wafted to her, triggering memories of comfort and love. 

"Disha Mausi..." she whispered, a smile curving her lips, and turned just as the hands fell away.

Yes, her intuition had served her right. Disha stood there, arms open wide, and Prachi rushed into the embrace, holding her tight. 

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