|| PART 20 ||

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A happy news .....

Our FF will be completing 20 parts with this update.....!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊


"Pragya aunty, what has transpired in Delhi that you've neglected Prachi's existence?" Pranav inquired, his expression unyielding.

A hush fell over the room as everyone processed his words. Abhi and Pragya shared a look of bewilderment, their eyes flitting between each other and Pranav. Moments later, they erupted into laughter.

"What do you mean, Pranav? We forgot Prachi?" Pragya questioned, amusement lacing her tone. "What's so funny? I am serious," Pranav retorted, his voice grave, compelling the room to shift into a solemn atmosphere.

"What's the matter, Pranav?" Pragya probed, her concern palpable. "When was the last time any of you engaged in a meaningful dialogue with Prachi?" he pressed, prompting a reflective silence from Pragya. "This question extends to all present," he declared.

"Pranav, what has occurred?" Uma interjected, noting the perturbed expressions around her.

"Yesterday, as you fed her, I observed the tears brimming in Prachi's eyes. The unspoken agony and the profound significance behind her words did not escape me. The Prachi I remember was always encircled by companions, her face alight with a sincere smile, exuding an infectious positivity," Pranav articulated, his gaze drifting towards Prachi, prompting others to follow suit.

Feeling a surge of emotions, Prachi experienced a tingling sensation, her skin prickling with the intensity of the moment.

"I want to use the washroom," Prachi said and left the place,  leaving a trail of lingering gazes in her wake.

"Pragya aunty," Pranav beckoned, reclaiming her diverted attention, "the Pragya aunty I admired was one who might forgo sleep but would invariably carve out moments to cherish with her daughter. What has altered?"

"You might argue that Rhea's recent arrival demands your attention to make amends. But what of the others? This household brims with life, with so many members, yet only Aaryan and Dida seem to devote their time to Prachi. Does she not warrant the same affection? And Rhea," he continued, his voice hardening, "I've noticed your subtle maneuvers to eclipse Prachi, drawing the spotlight upon yourself, just as you prevented Abhi uncle from embracing her earlier."

Rhea frowned and opened her mouth to say something but Pranav continued with his speech.

"Aaliya bua cherishes Rhea dearly, almost as if her affection surpasses that for her own son. Yet, I've never witnessed a single exchange between you and Prachi, have I?" Pranav posed the question, his gaze shifting pointedly towards Aaliya, "Both are your nieces."

"I was preoccupied with work, beta," she responded, her voice tinged with defensiveness. "Ah, so engrossed in work that you could spare time for everyone but Prachi," he remarked, his head nodding slowly, skepticism evident in his eyes.

"Pallavi aunty, I understand that Rhea is soon to be your daughter-in-law, but that shouldn't lead to the oversight of Prachi, who is not only Rhea's sister but also a member of this household," he said, looking at Pallavi with a smile.

"Abhi uncle professes immense joy in reuniting with Prachi, his long-lost daughter. Is this how you welcome her back—neglecting to spend time with her, and hastily arranging her marriage?" he inquired, turning to face Abhi. "Twenty-three years... you've missed twenty-three years with her. But have you even devoted twenty-three minutes solely to her? I've yet to see it..." Pranav's words hung in the air, heavy with accusation, leaving Abhi speechless and grappling for a response.

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