|| PART 24 ||

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"Where were you, Aaryan?" Ranbir inquired, his eyes narrowing as he caught sight of Aaryan hastening towards him.

"Come here," Aaryan beckoned, gripping Ranbir's arm and pulling him along. "Shahana had a near miss with an accident," he disclosed, his voice laced with urgency.

 "What? Is she okay?" Ranbir's voice trembled with tension. 

"Yes, she's fine. But there's something else I need to tell you," Aaryan continued, his gaze intense. Ranbir listened in silence, the gravity of the situation settling in.

"When the car hurtled towards Shahana, Shrenu's scream pierced the air, and I whirled around to witness the harrowing scene unfold. The car was barreling down on her, and I was too far away. In that moment, fear gripped me, and I knew I had to be as swift as lightning to save her. That split second of terror... it made me realize just how vital she is to me," Aaryan confessed, his voice a mix of revelation and resolve.

Ranbir stood there, a silent sentinel, absorbing every word.

"I only recognized my love for Shahana a few weeks back. Yet, you and Prachi have been together for two years now. I now grasp the sheer panic of nearly losing someone dear. It's time we initiate our plans to unveil the truth," Aaryan declared.

"Calm down, Aaryan," Ranbir soothed, his hand resting reassuringly on Aaryan's shoulder. "I've already made arrangements to gather some evidence."

Aaryan nodded, his head bowed, a silent agreement etched in his posture.

"But before we proceed," Ranbir added, prompting Aaryan to meet his gaze, "I need to be certain that Prachi still harbors those feelings for me."


"Careful," Shahana cautioned, her hands gently guiding Shrenu to recline on the bed. "Stop being so dramatic, Shahana. I'm perfectly fine," Shrenu protested, easing herself onto the soft mattress. "Sit," she insisted, patting the space beside her with a reassuring smile.

Shahana acquiesced, her movements deliberate and gentle.

"Don't breathe a word of this to anyone in the house," Shrenu's voice was low but firm. "They might worry unnecessarily. With everyone immersed in wedding preparations, let's not cast a shadow over their spirits," she reasoned. "Okay," Shahana conceded, her voice a whisper of agreement.

Shrenu's mind replayed the harrowing moment of the accident. "Why do I feel like that car was there just to hit you?" she mused aloud, a crease of concern etching her brow. "Why would you think that?" Shahana inquired, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "It's just... the way the car accelerated towards you—it seemed intentional," Shrenu attempted to articulate her unease. "Perhaps the shock of the incident is making you overthink it," Shahana offered, hoping to ease her friend's mind. "Yeah, maybe you're right..." Shrenu murmured, lost in thought.

"Shahana..." Aaryan's voice, muffled by the door, broke the contemplative silence. "Coming!" Shahana responded, rising to her feet. "I'll take you home. Let's go," Aaryan announced upon entering.

"Shrenu, I'm heading out. Take care," Shahana said, turning back to offer a parting smile. "Okay," Shrenu replied, her smile a soft echo of warmth.


Prachi had just stepped out of her room when she unexpectedly collided with Pranav.

"Ouch," he exclaimed, instinctively soothing his biceps where Prachi's head had struck. "I'm so sorry," Prachi apologized, her hand gently rubbing the same spot in an attempt to alleviate any pain he might be feeling.

"Prachi..." Mithali's voice trailed off as her gaze settled on her. Her features softened into a blush. Prachi quickly withdrew her hand from Pranav's.

"I just wanted to ask if either of you had any special requests for lunch," Mithali inquired. "No, Chachi," Prachi and Pranav responded in unison. "Okay, you two can carry on," Mithali said before hurrying away from the spot, leaving both Prachi and Pranav feeling a touch embarrassed.

"Prachi's choice for food, huh?" Pranav teased, nudging Prachi's shoulder with his.

"All thanks to you," she retorted, her eyes sparkling with a playful challenge. "I think I might have overdone it then," he admitted. "Yes, just a bit too much," Prachi agreed. "But thank you. It allowed me to cherish some moments that I longed for," she confessed, her voice softening. "They don't want to disappoint their future..." She paused, her words hanging in the air.

"I didn't do it as your fiancée, Prachi. I did it as a friend," he clarified. As they conversed, they found themselves on the balcony, the open sky above them reflecting the vast possibilities of their intertwined futures.

"So... do you still write in your personal journal?" Pranav asked. Prachi arched an eyebrow, attempting to muster an air of solemnity. "Oh, I still remember the quarrel we had a few years back when I 'accidentally' read your journal," he said, air-quoting the word accidentally. Prachi chuckled at the recollection. "Do you still write?" he probed.

"Yes, on days that are really... Ranbir..." Her demeanor shifted from informative to anxious, her tone swinging from casual to panicked as she uttered Ranbir's name.

Pranav's gaze followed Prachi's to land on Ranbir, who was seated behind the mirror, his hand bleeding profusely.

"Ranbir..." Prachi called out again, rushing towards him. Pranav, momentarily stunned, hastened to follow.

"You're hurt..." she observed, cradling his palm in hers. "How did this shard of glass find its way inside?" "I'll fetch the first aid kit," Pranav declared, striding inside. "Quickly," Prachi urged. "Why must you be so reckless?" she scolded, her eyes intently focused on his palm as she delicately extracted the glass fragment.

"So you still care for me," Ranbir remarked, noting how Prachi's gaze lingered on him with intensity. "It's basic humanity," she deflected, turning her gaze away. "You were engrossed in conversation with Pranav, and I was secluded in a corner, yet you noticed the wound on my hand," Ranbir pointed out. "I heard the sound of glass shattering," she fibbed. "Really? I deliberately inflicted this wound on my hand from inside the house, on the ground floor, and then came here. Not even animals possess the ability to hear such a faint sound from this distance," he countered. A hush fell over them.

"Here," Pranav interjected, arriving with the first aid kit. Prachi snatched it from his grasp, hastily opening it to retrieve the antiseptic and bandage. With meticulous care, she applied the medicine and wrapped the bandage around his hand.

"Are you feeling better now?" Pranav inquired. "Yes, much better," Ranbir affirmed, before departing from the scene.

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