|| PART 25 ||

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"What's bothering you, Aaryan?" Shahana's gaze bore into his face, breaking the silence that enveloped the car. Aaryan's attention remained fixed on the road ahead. "Huh?" he responded absentmindedly. "Ever since we met at the café, I've sensed something gnawing at you. What is it?" Shahana pressed, her concern evident.

"These elders," Aaryan began, his voice edged with frustration, "they're masters at concealing facts. Secrets alter the very fabric of our relationships." His grip tightened on the steering wheel. "Did you uncover a hidden secret?" Shahana probed further. Aaryan sighed, the weight of his revelation heavy upon him.

"It's happened before," Aaryan continued, his words measured. "We must prevent the same turmoil for the next generation. Shield them from shocking revelations." Shahana's curiosity piqued. "What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Ranbir and Prachi..." Aaryan's voice rose, almost breaking. "You know they've broken up," Shahana acknowledged, her gaze averted. "But you also know they still love each other," Aaryan countered. Shahana hesitated. "Prachi..." she began, only to be interrupted by Aaryan's revelation.

"We know Prachi made a foolish deal with Rhea," Aaryan disclosed. Shahana was taken aback, her words caught in her throat. "We?" she questioned. "Yes, Ranbir and I," Aaryan confirmed. "One day, he confided in me—the reason Prachi ended things with him."

Shahana shook her head. "It's all a mess," she murmured. "No," Aaryan corrected her, his tone resolute. "Everything was deliberately tangled." He leaned forward, his voice urgent. "Rhea loves Ranbir, Ranbir loves Prachi , and yet he's marrying Rhea. Ranbir and Pranav both love Prachi, and she loves Ranbir, but she's marrying Pranav."

"Will Prachi make a move?" Aaryan's frustration spilled over. "No, bound by some pact with her sister. Will Ranbir reveal the truth? No, because he wants to clear Prachi's name and expose Rhea first. And is he actively working on it? No!" Aaryan's palm struck the steering wheel, punctuating his exasperation.

"And amidst this chaos," he concluded bitterly, "they come to me, tears in their eyes."

Shahana placed her palm on Aaryan's hand, attempting to soothe his agitation. "Perhaps they want our help," she suggested. "They can't make a move themselves, as you pointed out, but we can. After all, they're not just friends; they're family to us."

"Okay," Aaryan acquiesced, abruptly screeching the car to a halt. 

"Why did you stop the car?" Shahana looked at him, bewildered. A mischievous glint in his eyes, Aaryan unbuckled his seat belt and leaned closer. "What are you doing, Aaryan?" Shahana's voice trembled with anticipation. He reached out, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. "Aaryan..." she whispered.

"Shhh," he hushed her, inching even closer. Shahana's eyes fluttered shut, her heartbeat echoing in her ears. Suppressing a smile, Aaryan leaned in further. 

"We've arrived at your home. Aren't you getting out?" he murmured against her cheek.

 Shahana's eyes snapped open, embarrassment flooding her face. Aaryan, still studying her, seemed to relish her discomfiture. "Move," she stammered, pushing him away. Aaryan erupted into laughter, clutching his stomach.

Shahana wanted to say something but held her tongue. She stepped out of the car, closing the door behind her. 

"Hey, Shahana, wait!" Aaryan called after her, following suit.

 Shahana hurried into the house, where Sarithaji's voice greeted her, "Shahana.." she called, seeing her turn back. Aaryan caught up. "Aaryan, you too," Saritha ji said, as he came to view. "Oh," she said, looking at Aaryan's hand and Aaryan and Shahana's eyes fell on the vase he carried. "Wow, I have the same kind of vase," Sarithaji exclaimed. Shahana and Aaryan exchanged glances.

"Actually, Shahana wanted to use it for a college project," Aaryan explained. "Yes, I remember. She asked me, but I refused," Sarithaji replied. Aaryan's eyes twinkled. "Your emotional connection..." he hinted. "Yes, it was the first gift my late husband gave me," Sarithaji revealed.

Disha entered the hall, her attention drawn to the duo. "Is Shrenu okay?" she inquired. "Yes, Mausi, we dropped her home," Shahana assured her. "Good," Disha smiled. Aaryan's pulse quickened as Disha addressed him. "Aaryan, you're here too. Sit; I'll get you something to drink," she offered. Aaryan's heart raced. "No, it's fine," he attempted to decline. "Please, I insist," Disha persisted, and Aaryan couldn't refuse further.

"Sarithaji, we need to discuss a few things about our project. Can we use the table?" Shahana asked. "Certainly," Sarithaji agreed, leaving the room. "Aaryan sit, I will be back," Shahana said and left to her room. Aaryan was confused as to what project she had to discuss with him.  'Or is she referring to Prachi and Ranbir?' he thought. Shahana returned with colored papers and a notepad. She spread the sheets on the table and settled on the floor, notebook in hand. Aaryan leaned in, whispering, "Why the papers? I thought we were about to discuss them." Shahana winked. "These are just for show. Sarithaji doesn't need to know everything."

Disha reappeared, carrying a tray with juice glasses and snacks. She set it down carefully. "I'll be with Sarithaji in her room, organizing some old books. If you need anything, just call," she said. "Okay, Mausi," Shahana replied. As Disha disappeared into the room, Shahana drained her glass, wiping her lips with a handkerchief. She turned to Aaryan. "Prachi won't take the first step. Let's help Ranbir clear her name," she proposed.

"From the time Prachi and I arrived in Delhi until now, she's been blamed, accused, and attacked," Shahana continued. "Let's make a list of incidents where she was targeted." Aaryan nodded, and Shahana began writing "1. Food poisoning during an event at MK Mansion. 2. Rhea's stolen necklace. 3.The Maya case. 4. Prachi's kidnapping by Sanju. 5. The fake MMS. 6. Prachi's car accident..." "The drug case," Aaryan reminded her. "Yeah.. the drug case," Shahana noted the point.

"Finally," Shahana murmured, her gaze fixed on the list they had meticulously compiled. Aaryan leaned in, studying the paper alongside her. "Out of these incidents," he pointed to specific entries, "the CCTV footage from MK Mansion might prove crucial."

"But what if they've erased it?" Shahana's concern was palpable. Aaryan's confidence remained unshaken. "No worries. There's a separate setup—one only Papa and I are aware of," he assured her. Although Shahana wanted to delve deeper into this mysterious setup, she decided to focus on their current task.

"Okay," she said, marking an 'A' next to Aaryan's responsibilities. "I'll gather evidence from these locations," she continued, adding an 'S' next to other items on the list. "And then," she hesitated, "we'll need to find Sanju, Maya, and those drug peddlers—if possible."

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