Weird disturbances

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Freya's POV (first person)
I was exhausted. Yesterday, Isabelle forced me to go look for my dream wedding dress. I absolutely hated the whole experience. It was long, and boring.

Maryse and Robert have been kinder to me since they Jace had proposed.
Jace proposed. I still can't get over the fact that he actually proposed to me.

"Frey", Jace said.

"Yep", I said.

"What's my fiancé up to?", he said.

"Bored", I said.

"I can entertain you", he said whilst smirking.

"No thank you", I said, before getting up and walking away.

Jace grabbed my arm, and looked at me with a worried expression.

"Freya you've been working yourself practically sick. You're not going on patrol today", Jace said in a
determined and authoritative tone.

"Jace...", I said whilst yawning, I was practically half asleep already, and I'd just woken up.

"Freya, just listen for once", Jace said.

I just rolled my eyes, but I headed back to bed. I was tired, with a capital t. But I was stubborn.

"Look- I need to... ugh... I need to sleep", I blurted out.

Jace smirked, and practically flung me over his shoulder before walking to his room and slowly setting me down. I rested my head on his shoulder and he snaked his arms around my waist.

"Sweet dreams", he whispered.

Sweet. Dreams. Indeed.

Jace's POV (first person)

I looked at Freya. She was peacefully sound asleep. She was beautiful.

Ugh... I had to go on patrol. I hated doing this. Lying to her, about everything.

Maryse and Robert, and pretty much the entire clave gave me two choices when it came to Freya.

1) Let her be thrown in the cells of the silent city

2) Or marry her

But trust me, I was going to propose to her regardless of anything. But the conditions and the way it happened wasn't something I was particularly proud off.

On top of that,to prove my loyalty, I had to keep Freya out of all clave business.

So whenever she was on a 'patrol', it really was a cover up, created by me or Alec. We were all lying to her.

Isabelle practically admitted she was only friends with Freya, purely because she felt sorry for her.

Everything was fucking, fucked up.

This was understandable though, I mean what were we expecting.

We had disappeared for 6 months, we were practically an enemy of the entire shadow world. So... yeah.

I knew when or if she ever found out, it would break her heart. So she wasn't going to find out.

Ugh!!!! I hated doing this shit!!! I loved her, and I didn't want to hurt her.

She's been through too much already.

I just, I couldn't.... I-I...
This was bullshit, and it didn't help I was trying to excuse my deceitfulness or behaviour.

Why couldn't everybody just let me be happy? I would rather be trapped on a deserted island away from everyone and everything, just to be with her.

Also, Alec broke things of with Evie.

Conflict of interest, apparently.

It looked like the clave just loved forcing relationships for their owns benefit.

Maryse was even asking me if I was planning on having any kids anytime soon.

Yeah, maybe in I dunno, tens years. I need to live my life, before I completely settle down.

When I mean live my life, I mean travel, experience things, with my future wife. Freya.

I couldn't wait till we found Jonathan, and this was all finally over.

Alec's POV (first person)

Ugh... everything was a mess
Freya, Evie, everything.

What was it with me and my failed relationships. First me and Freya didn't work out, then it was me and the werewolf girl, than me and Evie.

The clave was practically watching our every move. Freya is on suspension and practically banned from knowing any shadowhunter business, whatsoever.

Jace was practically coerced into proposing to Freya. I felt bad for him, because Jace had been trying to plan a trip to Hawaii with Freya, and he planned to propose to her then.

Well, that wasn't going to happen anymore.

Instead he was forced into doing it earlier than he wanted to.

The clave had no boundaries.

Practically dictating and controlling everybody and their personal lives. It was completely ridiculous.

There plan was to marry Freya off to any male shadowhunter, so that she had to 'settle down', and be forced to follow all of the clave's rules.

At least that's what I heard my parents discussing.

Apparently Freya was going to be forced to act as the 'perfect shadowhunter and wife', according to my mother.

She was going to be Freya Herondale, submissive but deadly.

I practically laughed my head off at the thought of it. They clearly didn't know Freya. Sure. She was quiet and introverted.

But she was fierce, demanding and anything but submissive. Trust me. Once me and her argued over a fucking pencil. Yep a pencil. She wouldn't shut up, till I bought her a new pencil. Huh. Freya, being submissive? You honestly have more of a chance of convincing a horse it was human.

"They're crazy to believe she'll be anything like that, that girl is so stubborn", Jace said.

"I know, but in order for you both, to stay in the clave's good books, you need to talk some sense into Freya. You're both already treading on thin ice as it is Jace", I said.

Jace just nodded and walked off.

Jace's POV (first person)

It was time for me to tell Freya everything. If I didn't, I don't know what would happen to us.

"Freya, look...", I told her everything. What the clave expected, their threats. Everything.

I was waiting for her to yell at me, for her to run off. But she didn't.

Freya pulled me into a tight hug and whispered, "I'll work on my acting then, Jacey, don't you worry about me Mr Herondale", she said.

"Before you ask, yes I'm mad you didn't tell me, but I know you had your reasons", she said.

Hey guys!!!
I know, I know, I don't like this new freya either!!! To much mushy gushy lovey stuff.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the first chapter of my new book!!

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