Paris insitute (P1)

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the cause of the mess...

two months earlier.....

We were visiting the institute in Paris, simply because we were hoping to catch the consul. Consul Penhallow was many things, and helpful was not one of them.

I had tried to send multiple letters about the situation in New York. All the letters were deferred and returned back.

She was, apparently going to be at some weird top secret meeting.

It was about, a sudden swarm of Ravener demons. Shapeshifters, that were somehow getting into the institute and stealing adamas.

From the rumours I had heard, apparently it has something to do with Clary and the fay.

I wouldn't put it past either of them.

The fay were brutal, and Clary was the perfect ammunition for their plot.

The fay, couldn't lie, and strung any willing mundanes into their sick twisted plots. They couldn't lie, but they were the best liars I'd ever known.

I could just feel a war brewing among the downworlders. We had enough trouble as it is, without other things stirring the pot.

"You'll find some spare rooms on the right, past the portraits", a tall, brunette guy announced.

He had piercing grey eyes, and looked too cold, and indifferent. He was good looking though.

"Let's go Freya", Jace said, dragging me with him. Talk about jealousy.

He dragged me in a random room and locked the door.

He looked panicked. I don't think I had ever seen him so worried before.

He ran his slender fingers through his tousled golden hair, whilst tirelessly pacing the room.

I was suddenly nervous, and almost anxious.

But then, a sense of overwhelming calm took over. I was used to this, and I knew what to do.

Clary was albeit dangerous, but with her power, mixed with the meddling fay, we were all heavily screwed, if we didn't quickly figure something out.

"What are we going to do about Clary, Freya?", he asked.

"I'll figure it out", I said.

He suddenly slowed down, and took a few deep breaths. He slowly walked towards me, and hugged me tightly.

Almost as if he had to reassure himself that I was there. That I was safe, in his arms, always. Always.

"You don't need to worry so much, Jace", I reassured him.

"Valentine and Jonathan are one thing. The fay, you don't meddle with them, without repercussions. Sometimes I wonder, to what price must we give up on everything", Jace said.

"Well, know this. I love you. You also forget, I am Freya, Blossom, Morgenstern, Herondale, whatever, and every single fibre of whatever I am and who I am, will always love you", I reassured.

"I am also a badass, who loves being dramatic, sarcastic, and being annoyingly calm, in overly stressful situations", I admitted, as a smile easily broke out across my face.

He cupped my face, and quickly pulled me in for a chaste kiss.

"I didn't know what love was supposed to be, till I met you", he said.

"Right, what's the action plan?", I asked.

"I'll work on trying to get the Consul's attention", he said.

"I'll figure out what's been going on with Clary Fairchild", I said.

That name, hadn't been one I had thought of, for months. And, it felt bitter in my mouth, acidic and almost branding.

I wouldn't let hate consume me, as I'm too big of a person for that.

Great. I feel like we've just walked into a whole new bunch of problems.

Or maybe the cause of all of our problems. Clary.



And the plot thickens.

I've decided I'm going to do time jumps, so the next chapter will jump back to normal time, and so then to Paris again.

Spoiler alert- Clary will play a big part in the ending...

That's all I'm saying...

Xoxo, Jess_6823

Freya HerondaleWhere stories live. Discover now