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"It's brutal out here"- Olivia Rodrigo

Jace's POV (first person)

Firstly. I had found out that my mother, was indeed alive. Now, I had just met my sister.

You are probably thinking: What's the issue?

I don't know, maybe because she just fucking ran away, or that she hates my guts.

In all honesty, I had forgotten about her. I felt terrible, and mostly guilty.

Thinking back to that scared, scrawny seven year old boy, who had just lost his father- I hope she will her me out. I know it's not an excuse. But....

"Ell... wait up", I yelled. I grabbed her arm and spun her around to face me.

"Look.... Jace.... I don't really want to have anything to do with you.... But listen, and listen carefully. I love Jonathan and I'll do anything for him, but Jace he's planning something that will change everything. He won't let me out of his sight. Be careful", she said, before disappearing.

Wait, she loved Jonathan.

Great. My life was suddenly turned upside down. Note the sarcasm.

She loved Jonathan. Just great. I discovered my mother and sister are alive.

But my sister is dating Jonathan the douchebag.

So my life was a terrible mess, yet again.

"Freya, we've got a problem", I said.

"What exactly happened?", she asked.

"My sister. She's... she's dating your brother.... I'm scared Frey... I don't know what he'll do to her", I said.

"But Jace if Jonathan truly loves her... he will not leave her alone. Jace he'll become obsessed with her. You need to.... You can't let them be together", Freya said.

"Don't you think I know that Frey. But I don't know what to do. It's not everyday your long lost sister appears from nowhere, and tells you she is dating a psychopath", I said.

"On top of that she warned me that Jonathan is planning something that will apparently 'change anything'", I said.

"How's my mother?", I added.

"She's fine. Jace, you should properly meet her", Freya said.

I just unconsciously, and reflexively nodded. My heart was telling me to talk to her, but my mind told me it was a terrible idea.

There was something not quite right about my mother's sudden appearance. She randomly appeared out of nowhere, claiming Jonathan kidnapped her. For all we know she could be working with him.

I know I probably sound a bit crazy, one minute I wanted to protect and save my mother, the next minute I'm suspicious of her. But. That's how it works in the shadow world. It is kill or be killed. Die or survive.

I know something is up, I'm just not sure what though. What, exactly could my mother be up to?

Freya's POV

Something is not quite right about the sudden appearance of Jace's sister.

She hates his guts, so goodness knows what she could potentially be capable of. Evil acts are committed for a desire of revenge, and pure hatred for another. You never know the true intentions of others around you.

"Jace... I'm not judging. Fuck it, I am. There's something off about the sudden appearance of your mom and sister at the same time", I said.

"I know.... And then there's the issue of my sister's appearance, it just feels like every time we are moving forward with our lives, we seem to be taking three steps back. We've been dealing with this bullshit since we were sixteen, and I'm getting fed up of all of it, Freya", Jace yelled.

"There wouldn't be an us, without anything that has happened to us. Our lives our crazy, our families are wild, but we will always have each other", I said.

"This feels like the end of a chapter. This conversation feels like it's concluding something", Jace said.

"It is, there will always be us, no matter what Jace, and that's that", I said.

Looking back at all that's happened to me, in the past three years, I can say I don't regret anything. Me and Jace will continue to battle our demons, and argue with our obnoxious siblings.

The end.

And That's a wrap!

I just want to thank everyone for commenting, voting and reading any of my books! It means the world!!!
I didn't want to finish this series this soon, but school is tough!!! But I'll be fine!
It's been amazing,
Xoxo Jess_6823

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