The point leading up to...

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"We can't trust him", Simon said, as we trailed behind Ella, and my brother.

"I know that, I don't trust either of them", I said.

My brother, wicked at heart, wasn't to be trusted, ever. His version of help was forever riddled with sneaky ulterior motives. I was even watching my back whilst walking behind him.

We were all lead through Brocelind Forest, and approached a forgotten pathway.

Forgotten was an understatement, the first ever, shadow hunters probably walked through the very same path.

We suddenly stopped, in what looked like ruins. There was a small section of the old hall still standing. Standing was an understatement, it was definitely leaning.

"Kat Lightspear, the first ever shadow hunter to wield the immortal sword", Ella said, her voice echoing and bouncing of the jagged stones, as she read the plaque on the wall.

"It's reads, the chosen one, with the true, ultimate power may enter", she added, her nose scrunching up in confusion.

I remember what my mom said, to use the true power within me to defeat pure evil.

Was she talking about Clary?

"Step aside", I said.

I walked up towards the decrepit building, taking slow, steady steps.

As I stepped past the threshold I felt, tingly. The hairs at the back of my neck, stood on end and quivered in fear.

There was what looked like the outline of a sword, plastered in cement.

I reached for my powers, and blasted it. The cement cracked, revealing a shining golden sword. Engraved in latin, reading 'the almighty'.

As I lifted it, it was extremely heavy, so much so, I had to drag it behind me. Slowly but steadily, I was out of the near-to-collapsing ruin.

I was l also met with Magnus, Alec and Jace.

Jace looked as if he was close to punching my brother.

It didn't blame him.

"What do we do now?", Alec asked.

"We find out where Clary is", Jonathan said.

"You're not one to be calling all the shots", Jace argued.

"But my plan, will not get us killed, unlike whatever you were thinking of", he replied.

I sighed.

Jace rolled his eyes, and dropped his gaze to the floor, in defeat.

Sometimes he really does act like an overgrown toddler.

"Alright, we should leave soon, before the clave catches on to what we've been up to", I said.

Everyone nodded, before I opened up a portal, back to New York.

Where we were whisked into another type of madness.

Freya HerondaleWhere stories live. Discover now