What in the world

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"What in the world are going to do? Look at what everybody's going through"- Coldplay
"Yes", I said. There was never going to be another answer but yes.

I loved him, he loved me, and that's all we needed. Although I'm aware sometimes love is not enough, and time will be our true test, amongst all the chaos. The facts are we always find our way to each other.

He slipped the Herondale ring on my finger, and I jumped in joy, before launching myself at him.

My hugs were brutal, like my fighting.

"Awww.... Is Frey Frey, crying", Simon teased.

I rolled my eyes.

"Shut it Lewis", Jace said, pouting.

"You know you love me Jacey", he said, laughing.

"We need to talk", I said.


"What's the probability she'll die?", Jace asked.

"It's a fifty fifty chance, Jace", Magnus said.

"She's not doing anything", Jace said.

"I'll do it", he added.

"It wouldn't work", Magnus protested.

Jace looked angry and calm at the same time. The most deadly combination.

"Where will I find this magic sword thing?", I asked humourlessly.

"Alicante, specifically in the ruins, in the old hall", Magnus seriously answered. He was usually the one who was throwing all the jokes, but clearly the situation was as grave, as I thought.

But me being me, I had to try to make it sound all light hearted.

"So, ghosts, like haunt the place, or what? Because I remember the last time I was in Idris, and I definitely saw one", I said, raising my hands in defence, and being all dramatic.

Magnus, groaned in annoyance, and probably frustration. There was nothing wrong with throwing a joke here and there, no matter how bad it is.

"Trust Freya, to make jokes in a time like this", Alec mused.

"What about the clave?", Isabelle asked.

That would be difficult. To get past the clave, without them knowing anything. But it was done before, and I can do it again.

"Simple. We don't tell them. Last time, when we asked for there help, nothing happened. They're useless. So lets figure it out, like they said we should", I said.

The clave, in my eyes were a complete and utter waste of space. When it had anything to do with me, my evil brother, or Jace, they tried to stay out with it. I call it bias.

They probably see me as part of the problem. I won't lie, sometimes I did really cause a lot of trouble, with being all reckless.

But recklessness, did, in the past solve a lot of our problems. So I wouldn't take back anything.

"What if something goes wrong? What", Jace asked.

"There's no other way, and we're wasting time, even discussing this", I said.

Rolling my eyes, was becoming instinctual now, almost a reflex.

"When?", Magnus asked.

"In two weeks. Alicante, will be practically emptied, due to the issues happening in the Paris institute", I said.

That was another story for another time.

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