Fun- Bonus chapter

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"Didn't we have fun"- Coldplay

"Jace, have you received the report yet", I asked.

I was frustrated. My ghastly, good for nothing brother obviously had something to do with the increasing demon attacks.

"Not yet", Jace huffed out in annoyance.

"This is ridiculous", I said.

I was seething. There had been no responses or reports back from Idris.

I couldn't stand shadowhunter life at times.

Issues of sexism are magnified. When I had foiled Valentine's plan, Jace and Alec received all of the credit.

I had no issues with it, because I loved Jace. But sometimes shadowhunter life is so overwhelming.

"Did you hear that Isabelle is pregnant?", Jace asked.


"Pregnant? She's barely twenty", I said, genuinely shocked.

"Mmhmm. That's actually considered too old to have children according to the clave", Jace said.

Too old?

"Are you suggesting something?", I asked.

"Well.... I don't know? Am I...", he said cockily.

"Maybe in ten years? I'm only nineteen", I said.

Jace look gobsmacked.

"Ten years? You'll be a grandma", he joked.

"Not particularly", I said.

This conversation was getting tiring. And I was tired.

It was definitely due to the amount of stress I had been in recently.

Too much to do, with such little time.

We had managed to catch Jonathan a couple months ago, and he escaped.

Jace's sister... well she is in hiding from Jonathan.

She got pregnant, and well... she finally saw him for what he really is. So she decided it was probably best if she hid away.

I agreed. Jonathan was furious and attacked the New York institute after he found out she left him.

He was a big sap, and his sweet spot was her. So the clave, used her to control him. But that didn't go to plan, because he had somehow managed to escape.

" need to cool off... too much stress isn't good for you... and", Jace said.

"And what?", I asked.

"Well... umm.. you might be pregnant", he admitted.

"What!!", I yelled.

Jace had just turned twenty, I was barely nineteen. There is no possible way that I could be...

"Shadow Hunter intuition", he said.

I rolled my eyes.

"I don't really need this shit right now, but if it bothers you so much, I will take a test Jace", I said.

I briskly walked to the bathroom, took a test, and yelled.

The door flung open, and Jace quickly ran towards me.

"What's the result?", he asked.

"Negative", I said whilst smirking.

"You...", he said whilst smiling.

"Well your 'shadowhunter intuition' was obviously wrong then", I said.

"Give me five years, then we can talk about kids", I said.

"I agree. I barely just hit my twenties, and I was only teasing Frey", he said.

"Sure", I said.

He leaned in and gently kissed me.

"That does mean we shouldn't try for them. Like right now", he said.

"Really?", I asked.

I kissed his cheek and ran off.

"Try catch me!!", I yelled.

He quickly picked me up. I barely reached the door.

"Don't do that again", he said. Lust looming and present in his glare.

"Mmhmm", I said.


I'm not going to lie... I've missed writing this story... ahhh...

Maybe I'll continue it? I don't think eight chapters is justice...

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