Paris (2)

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I was tasked with figuring out a way to solve this entire mess.

That started with heading to the shadow market, and figuring out what was going on.

I had merely walked halfway through the market, till I was stopped by a Seelie.

He had pale blue hair, matched with bright lilac eyes, a crooked smile, and sharp teeth.

"What are you doing here, shadow hunter?", he hissed, whilst dragging me to a narrow alleyway.

"Wouldn't you like to know", I said.

His pale eyes narrowed.

"You're the powerful one, they all talk about", he said curiously.

"The slayer of many", he added.

I reached for my powers, and felt bright energy surging at my fingertips.

This could get extremely ugly.

"Listen, have you noticed any strange things happening recently, or heard of Clarissa Fairchild", I asked.

He gulped and, then hissed.

"The red head. She turned against her own kind, quicker than an insane madman", he said. Seelies, and their riddles....

"What is she planning?", I asked.

"I'd rather die, than betray my own. I don't think you'd understand. Loyalty is not common amongst your kind", he said. He wasn't wrong.

Bright light, burst through my hands, and he was slammed against the wall.

"You were saying?", I questioned, whilst dropping him.

"The redhead you seek, is plotting with the Queen to create a weapon that will wipe out, anyone that has pure angel blood", he added.

"What of Jonathan Morgenstern?", I asked.

"He has nothing to do with this. He will get to you, before anything happens. His soul is cursed, and you're destined to be the target of his plans", he added.

I briskly walked away, and opened up a portal, to get back to the institute.

Clary was planning to kill me or worse, Jace, for jealously or revenge.

I couldn't tell.

I guess her mom was a part of the circle, so it made complete sense, on top of the fact that she used to date my brother.

But why would she make a weapon that could be used against her? It didn't make any sense.

"Freya", I heard, as someone was pounding on the door.

It was flung open, and an injured Alec, hobbled in.

"Freyaaaa, I don't feel so goood", Alec complained.

"No shit, Alec", I said.

I didn't bother with a stele. He needed to be healed. Using my powers again, and minutes later he was healed.

In place of what had been a stab wound, was a fresh scar.

"What happened?", I asked.

"The Consul happened. I was covering for Jace. You're really hated by the clave, and they just tried to take us out", he said.

This was bad.

We were finally met by a limping Jace.

"You too", I groaned.

I set his dislocated knee, and used my magic, to heal him.

"What happened at the market?", Jace asked.

I locked the door, and drew a soundless rune on it.

"I was manhandled by an angry Seelie, but managed to find out, that the missing Adamas, is being used to create some weapon, against those that have pure angel blood. You, me, and Clary", I said.

They both gasped, and Jace was protectively holding me.

"What is Clary's deal?", I asked.

"I guess we'll find out", Alec said.

Freya HerondaleWhere stories live. Discover now