Paris (3)

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After the clave attacked us, we decided to portal to one of Magnus' properties.

It had two rooms; so more than enough space for three people.

I decided I'd head out back to the market, but disguised. It was the best plan I could think of.

So usedmy magic, to transform myself into Clary.

When I walked out of the room, I was suddenly shoved against the wall.

"Chill, Alec. It's me. Freya", I said.

He rolled his eyes.

"Why did we break up then?", he asked.

"I decided I liked Jace more, and we were never officially together", I said.

He let go, and nodded, before walking off.

I took a portal straight to the market, and within five minutes, was immediately approached by the same Seelie I'd previously confronted.

"Lady of darkness, What brings you back so suddenly?", he asked.

"I've heard about Freya, Morgenstern wondering around. Care to explain?", I asked.

He looked shocked.

"The putrid shadow hunter, crawled in, looking for answers, and thankfully I managed to escape", he said.

I thought Seelies couldn't lie?

"Answers about what?", I asked.

"The master plan, to wipe out all shadow hunters. The weapon forged in demon blood, that would make the Seelies and you, the real hunters", he said pridefully.

"I should've involved Jonathan Morgenstern", I said.

"You know he'd want no part of it", the Seelie said.

I nodded calmly.

A weapon to get rid of us all. Not a good thing, at all.

It was time to get out of here.

I swiftly dismissed him, before walking off, and taking a portal back to the apartment.

My magic was only so strong, as my disguise had faded almost instantly, as I stepped out of the glowing gateway.

"Jace, Alec!", I called out.

It was quiet, and then I heard footsteps.

Alec had stepped out of the shower, in nothing but a towel. Talk about awkward.

"Clary. She wants to kill us all, minus herself. Obviously", I said.

Alec gripped onto the banister of the stairs, and I swear I could just see his muscles flex, and...

"Freya", it was Jace. Jace, my fiancé.


"Jace, we're all screwed", Alec said.

"Put some clothes on first", Jace said.

"What is he talking about?", he asked.

"Clary is planning to take down all shadow hunters", I said.

"Great", he said.

It was far from great. A weapon, forged in demon blood was lethal and deadly.

"Back to New York for us", I said.

Jace leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"I wouldn't have it any other way", he said.

Freya HerondaleWhere stories live. Discover now