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"Tides that I tried to swim against", Coldplay

Freya's POV (first person)

"Jace, look. Don't do this", I pleaded.

'Freya, I have to, I'm sorry. I-I didn't want any of this'- Jace said through the mind link rune.

'Jace. I-I'm...', I couldn't finish my sentence. Because I didn't know what else I could possibly say.

Jace roughly pushed me to the floor, and started to roughly kick me. I quickly got up. There was no fucking way this was happening.

"Jace I said stop!!!", I yelled.

Jace lunged towards me. I attempted to push Jace away. I wouldn't use my powers. I couldn't hurt him.

"Frey, my mom is still here", Jace said.

Jace pushed me to the floor again, and pulled me by my hair across the room.

He chained me against the wall, and then pulled out the blade Jonathan gave him.

Jace started to cut me. Literally. Cut me.

I started to shriek and yell, but he didn't stop, till I was drenched in my own blood.

"Help my mom Frey. Your plan worked. I can't believe he actually thought I would do that to you, I'd rather die"- Jace said through the mind-link rune.

"Well. He's an idiot. I'm one of the most powerful out there, and he thought that his weak dagger would do anything"- I said sarcastically.

"Don't get too cocky, Frey-Frey", Jace said.

"Oh, piss off Jacey", I said.

Now I had to find Jace's mother.
I quickly got up and walked towards a rickety, rotten wooden door. Dust flakes silently spewed in random directions.

I kicked at the door, and it instantly withered away, upon contact. I walked down the cold, marble floor.

Whilst I crept down the spiraling stair case, it felt as if with my trembling self took, I was edging and nudging closer to my doom.

I was met with a row of cells. I noticed a slump, weak figure, barely leaning against the decaying, aging wall. I slowly walked towards the cell and saw someone that looked exactly like Jace. Bright gold eyes, and blond hair. Celine Herondale.

"D-don't, is that Emma Brightstar?", she probably thought I was my mother.

"Nope. Freya Morgenstern, at your service. Or Freya Herondale, since I'm engaged to your son", I said.

"My son fell in love with morgenstern trash", she said in a disgusted tone.

"Technically I'm also Freya Brightstar, my mother was Emma Brightstar. Trust me, I hate my family too", I said.

"I'm here to help you escape", I added.

"What is it with you Morgenstern's, and being complete psychos, well at least not you?", she asked.

"I dunno, and look, we can talk as much as you want later, but we need to go", I said.

I used the keys, my brother had foolishly left lying around and I unlocked the cell.

Celine slowly stood up, and hobbled out of the door.

I opened up a portal.

"Let's go", I said.

Celine hesitantly walked through the portal and I quickly followed her.

We arrived at my secret hideout. Aka. An abandoned flat, that my father bought, that me and Clary refurbished out of boredom. I hadn't been here for three years.

Celine sat down, and started glaring at me.

"What?", I said.

"No strings attached , and I'm free to go. There is always something when it comes to you morgensterns", she said.

"I just want to know some things I guess. Well Jace also does. He'll be here in two days", I said.

We had informed the clave, and had worked with them to capture Jonathan.

As corrupt and lost as the clave were, I was sick and tired of dealing with my brother.

"Celine. My father, how could, was he. I guess I just want to know how he was at my age", I said. Jonathan had killed Valentine.

Just because I hated my father, doesn't mean his death didn't hurt.

"He was a very outgoing and an encouraging individual, at first. He was supportive, and actually wanted to do some good. But after his father was killed by werewolves.... He changed. He became secretive, and became a true monster. He would have done anything to wipe downworlders off of the face of the earth. You're mother was gullible enough to believe he was capable of love, at all", Celine said.

"Did he love my mother?", I asked.
"Yes. He did. He claimed everything he did was for your mother", she said. I just nodded.

"Also. Why did you do it?", I asked.

"Do what?", she asked.

"Agree to....the deal you made with my father. Why?", I asked.

"You wouldn't understand", she simply said.

"Why would you do that to your own parents? Amatis? Jace's father?", I asked.

"Freya. Let me put this politely. You just wouldn't understand", she said.

"Trust me, I would, I have more family problems than you could possibly think off", I said.

"My parents weren't good people. But I was manipulated by Valentine. He made me feel as if the circle was all there was for me", she said.

"And Stephen. I had no choice. It was either I choose him. Or I had nothing", she added.

I understood. In a way I could understand why. Without Jace, I don't know where I would be.

Freya HerondaleWhere stories live. Discover now