Alicante, abandoned

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I took a portal into Alicante, with the entire team behind me.

Magnus, Alec, Jace, Simon and Maia. Maia, was a new addition to our little group. She was Simon's girlfriend.

"Let's split up", Magnus said.

I nodded.

"How about, me, Simon, and Maia", I said.

Jace looks apprehensive.

"He's a day lighter, and she is a werewolf", I said.

Did I forget to mention, Simon Lewis was a vampire turned day lighter.

Jace nodded before walking off, with Alec and Magnus.

We walked in the opposite direction.

The old hall, was located near the old manor houses, used centuries ago.

"So, Freya, how are things with you and Jace?", Simon asked.

"Great", I said. They were perfect.

"What about you and Alec?", he suddenly asked.

"It wouldn't work. I've had enough  drama", I said.

"But you still like him?", Simon asked.

No I didn't.

Did I?

I was a fiancé for goodness sake. This couldn't happen.

"There'll always be something? But not enough", I said.

"Anyways, enough about me. How are you both doing? You look like love birds", I said, switching the subject.

"He's as goofy as ever", Maia gushed.

"You should've seen him when he was younger, obsessed with mustard sandwiches", I said.

Maia giggled, and Simon frowned.

"Remember when you wouldn't eat anything, but tuna and Greek yoghurt. Together", he teased.

I rolled my eyes. It was good.

Tuna and Greek yoghurt, still is a superior combo.

I suddenly overhead familiar voices.

Alicante was supposed to be empty.

"We don't have to do any of this, right now", Ella Herondale pleaded.

"You know what you signed up for El, you're with me, or you're as good as dead", Jonathan said.

The douche bag.

I was one hundred percent ready, and up for a fight.

"Jonathan. You don't need to do any of this", Ella said.

"I'll kill you if you get in my way El, I'm not going to ask you again. I don't want to force you", he said.

That was enough.

"Brother, it's time to back down", I said.

He slowly turned around, and he looked relieved.

What was going on?

"You should hear her out", I heard Ella whisper.

"Would you just shut up for a minute", Jonathan growled.

"What the fuck is going on?", I asked.

"Clarissa Fairchild is testing my patience. I'm here to find a weapon to get rid of her," he said.

"That's a lie", I said.

"It's not. Ella, here thinks that I should agree to Clary's terms, to save myself", he said.

He was lying, he always did.

"I'm not your greatest threat, Freya. If I really wanted to cause problems, I would have done so months ago. I would have, till I met my match", he said whilst wickedly grinning, and staring at Ella.

His eyes were dark, to where you couldn't see his pupils.

Just a black void.

Once he was obsessed with something, that was it. He clearly had really deep and strong feelings for her. I knew him well enough to know, he'd never let her go.

She was in for a ride. It was the obsessive way he was staring at her, as if he'd never let her go. I hope she knew she had him for life.

"Clary's been behind all of this?", I questioned.

"All of it", Ella said.

It was all starting to make complete sense. For now.

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