Every teardrop

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"Every tear's a waterfall"- Coldplay

Freya's POV (first person)

"Jace- I think it's best we, had some space", I said whilst moving away from him, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

I don't think he has ever heard the phrase 'you can't have it all'. Really. Though. You can't.

"What do you mean Freya? I'm getting sick of this bullshit. Breaking up, then getting back together again, then breaking up", Jace said.

"No. I meant physical space dummy. You're making me extremely uncomfortable", this boy was dumb.

"Oh... I think I like making you, uncomfortable", Jace said.

He leaned in and roughly kissed me. He suddenly pulled away, and said, 'unless you want to... you know, I should go'.

"Why not? It's been a while", I said.
Jace smirked at this.
"What do you want to watch on Netflix?", I asked innocently. I loved annoying him.
"Frey-Frey, you're going to pay for teasing me, I'm not going to be... gentle", Jace said.
"Mmhmm", I said. I really just wanted to you know, watch Netflix and chill. If you know what I mean.


I woke up, feeling like a heavy weight was draining me. Jace was lying on top of me.

"Jace", I whispered, whilst trying to wiggle free.

"Jace!", I yelled.

He instantly shifted off of me, and started to groan.

"Seriously Frey", he said.

"What's the matter?", Jace asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"I feel sore", I said.

Jace smirked.

"Oh do you now?", Jace asked.

"Fuck off, asshole", I said.

"Frey-Frey, are you okay", Jace said, in a mocking tone.

"I'm fine, asshole", I said. Ugh...

"We need to go downstairs, Jonathan douchebagstern is waiting", Jace said, before quickly getting up, and practically running off.

Jace told me about his plans. But I was thinking, since I'm all powerful and all : I can speed them up.

For one, because I hate my brother with a burning passion, and for two, I refuse to be bossed around by a narcissistic fucker, like Jonathan.

I quickly got up, went to the bathroom, and washed my face, taking deep breaths, whilst trying to keep calm.

It was going to take all of my self control, to not kill Jonathan right there and then.

He's like an annoying leach, that keeps coming back, to suck the like out of me.

I slowly creeped down the squeaky and dusty hallway. Words cannot describe how pissed I am, that yet again, me and Jace were being controlled by a sadistic psychopath.

Even though I was more powerful than any supernatural being, I was still being controlled by people and organizations. If it wasn't my family (my brother, sadly), it was the clave, or the whole shadow world.

At least when I a normal life, I did not have people constantly dictating and controlling everything I do.

Another thing, I've thought about. Shadow hunters. They're really just those, who kill people and are labeled as heroes.

The clave doesn't like to admit that some shadow hunters are villains. For example, my father, and the existence of the circle, also proves the clave hate downworlders.

If they didn't then, why the hell would they let things such as the circle exist.

Everyone in the clave also had an untimely end. I mean, look at what happened to my father. He turned into a psychotic murderer. My mother.... Even Jace's parents.

"Isn't it my darling sister", Jonathan said.

"Do not call me 'darling', it's creepy, and weird, just like you", I said.

"Fuck off", he said.

"Yes, I wished you'd permanently fuck off", I said, whilst glaring at him.

Jonathan looked furious but also amused.

"Frey...", Jace said. I just nodded.

"Freya, you will be staying here whilst me and Jace go...", he started to stay before I cut him off.

"No fucking way", I simply said.

"Freya, as I said you'll stay here, and watch over things. I'd also appreciate it, no I order you to cook me and Jace something when we come back", I instantly laughed.

He can't be fucking serious. From the look from Jace's face, it told me that I'd done enough, and I should stop. But I'd only just started.

"Whatever", I mumbled.

"Time to go", Jonathan said to Jace.

Oh, I'd had enough. A bright light pulsed through my hands, and hit Jonathan. He suddenly stumbled backwards and hit the wall.

"You'll pay for that", Jonathan said

He quickly walked towards me.

Jonathan pulled out a jagged, blacked dagger, and roughly pushed me against the door.

Jace suddenly showed up, with what looked like chains. Jonathan put the dagger against my throat and pressed it lightly.

He then dragged me, by my ankles and threw me into what looked like a basement.
Jace handed the chains to Jonathan and briskly walked off. He slowly turned around and gave me a look of what looked like worry.

I just had to piss Jonathan off. Well, it wasn't part of our plan, but I knew what I was doing. Jace's mother was somewhere here, and I was going to help her escape.

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"You just couldn't shut the fuck up, could you", his Jonathan C douche bagstern said.

He whispered, "this blade, you'll feel the pain, and you won't heal for days".

He roughly pushed me to the floor, and kicked me in the stomach multiple times. I may be shy and timid at times, but I want going to let him win this battle. I'd rather die.

I grabbed his ankle, and threw him against the wall. The door to the basement instantly opened, and Jace stood their. Giving me a look, that said, 'I'm sorry'.

"To prove your loyalty, chain her up and hurt her. Hurt her, make her suffer. I can't wait to watch this. Two blind lovebirds fighting", Jonathan said. See what I mean by sadistic.

Freya HerondaleWhere stories live. Discover now