Out of the shadows

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"Dive and disappear without a trace, I just wanna be someone"- BANNERS

Jace's POV (first person)

My mother was still alive, and Jonathan was holding her captive. And I would do anything to save her even if that meant betraying the one I loved the most.

<<2 days before>>

"Where is she Raphael!!!", I bellowed, trying my best to keep calm, and stoic. But that was difficult. When the one you love above everything is missing it in potential danger, it feels as if your soul is being shred into tiny, unrecognizable pieces, scattered across the underworld. I know it sounds dramatic, but it is the only way to explain how it feels to lose the ones you love.

I never knew my parents, I only know of their story. Their part in the circle.

My mother betraying her parents, and working with Valentine, to force my father to marry her. But I hated my father, the fact he fell for Valentine's crap. The fact that... he never loved my mother. Did, would he have ever loved me? Or....

Who am I too judge. I never knew either of them. And they never got to know me. And that's that. That's the tale of my parents.

"I do not know. And I would not tell you if I did. Your kind... shadow hunter's. The way you even treat your own confuses me", Raphael said.

"I will tell you this, Shadow hunter. The one thing I've realized about Freya, is she'll stop at nothing to defeat Jonathan. Even if that means dying. For the greater good, Jace Herondale, if you love her as deeply as you say, find her, and help her", and with that Raphael vanished.

I sighed. Just as I was about to exit the room. Someone I didn't expect walked in. Jonathan.

"Well isn't it lover boy", he said.

I instantly pulled out my seraph blade, and pointed it towards him.

"I wouldn't get too hast if I were you. If you ever want to meet your mother, you'll do exactly as I say, when I say, got it", Jonathan said.

Before I could say anything, he disappeared. What was it with people disappearing today?

Jonathan was threatening me. I had to do exactly what he said, or my mother would be in danger. I met her. She looked exactly like me. Bright blond hair, gold eyes. But she told me, to leave, that she wasn't worth all the trouble. That I should just leave her. That she'd rather be in years of captivity than see me fall submissive to a psychotic murderer.

I wasn't going to let my mother suffer. But... fuck... I couldn't. I wouldn't let him hurt Freya. I already almost lost her. But... I couldn't let my mother rot away.

I already decided my fate. I would help my mother escape. In the meantime I would follow Jonathan's 'orders', but I would find out what he was planning.

But first I had to wait till my Freya woke up. I couldn't wait to be married to her. I couldn't wait. Even if the clave quote on quote, 'arranged' the marriage, I couldn't care less.

Because sooner or later, I would be with her forever. Until I breathe my last breath.
When she however, hadn't woken up for almost three days, I started to panic. I hadn't seen Jonathan since he told me to knock Freya out. I took her to Jonathan's traveling house.

Well that's what I called it. It jumped from country to country, undetected.
When her eyelids fluttered open. I was relieved.

I picked up my stele an instantly drew a healing tune. You can't draw runes on the unconscious because, for one, it's stupid and for two, dangerous.

I also drew a mind linking rune, and explained everything that had happened and my plan.

"I could have just faked passing out, you're so annoying Jace", she said.

"I'm hot though", I said.

"Not the time or place, Jacey", she said, clearly annoyed.

I wish things weren't always this complicated. I wish it could just be me and her, in a perfect world, where there was no danger or threats against us.

But... I've come to learn that dreams, are fake, non existent things that will never come true. No matter how hard you work. A perfect world will never exist, because there's no such thing.

Everyone has a different perception and view to what perfect is. For example, being rich, or being well known, could be someone's version of a perfect world. But rich or successful people could wish the opposite. Everyone's dreams and desires are different.

So. A perfect world will never exist, no matter how hard you dream for it.

"What are you thinking about, Jacey?", Frey asked.

"Nothing interesting, you know, the meaning of life", I said sarcastically.

"I'm so mad at you. You know that", Freya said whilst attempting scowl and glare at me. She looked cute. I laughed my head off.

"Mmhmm", I said, whilst chuckling.

"Ass", she said.

"I know I have a very nice ass, you've seen it several times, Frey-Frey", I said.

"Ewwww.... Seriously Jace, and Frey-Frey?", she groaned.

"Wanna see it now?", I asked.

"Fuck off", she said.

"Ohhh, we can fuck, if you'd like", I said.

"Nope, I'm good", she said, whilst turning bright red.

"Are you sure?", I whispered.

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I've had a lot of essays and exams, so I haven't had time!!!!
I'll update as much as I can!!!!
I hope you liked this chapter!!!

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