Light on

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"Turn a light on"- Colouring

Me and Alec were on mission, checking out a supposed nest of demons.

There was reported sightings and scares, all around downtown Brooklyn.

So me and Alec were forced out of the institute.

Apparently Jace was busy with some top secret clave garbage. But I didn't buy it for one second.

"How are you?", Alec asked.

"Just peachy Alec, just peachy", I said, whilst rolling my eyes.

He just grinned.

I noticed several unrecognisable runes, and they emanated pure and utter darkness. Like a bottomless pit, shrouded in mystery and complete misery.

A flashback, a vision. It was cold and dark. I noticed pale blond hair, black eyes, an abyss, a crown of shadows and crows, and flying demons.

It felt cold. The world was frozen in time, time that didn't exist. It felt barren.

I was suddenly knocked off balanced, and I felt a heavy, slimy thing start to attack me.

I surged for my powers, running through my blood. That's the benefit, of having pure angel blood surging through your veins.

A bright light burst out of my hands, and attacked the ghastly, ungodly creature. It exploded, and I was covered in demon guts.

I heard trailing footsteps, and noticed the glowing of Alex's crossbow. The sharped edged, threatening shape of the arrow, with the adamas twinkling in the darkness.

"It's bad", I said.

"What happened?", he asked, then he noticed the runes.

"It's dark magic. Alec I had a vision. We are doomed", I said.

This for once, wasn't a damn joke. We were all doomed. Innocent or not, all thrown in the mix, of the eventual peril, that was to come.

"We... there's no hope?", he asked.

I shrugged. There'd always be a way.

"I've always got a plan. But it felt so bleak Alec. If I have to die to save you all I'd do it", I said.

His eyes widened.

I took my stele, and drew a rune, to conjure up a portal.

We both stepped through.


"Are you sure Magnus?", Alec asked.

Jace was nowhere to be found.

"The only possible way for us to all survive this, is if Freya used all of her power it activate the sword of ruin", he said.

My phone buzzed. It was Jace.



I drew another rune, and was instantly in the institute.

I noticed there were petals leading towards the training room.

Jace was on one knee.

"Freya. I love you, and everything about you. From your annoying laugh, to the way you scrunch your cute button nose, when you're annoyed. To the way your beautiful eyes sparkle, when you're happy. I love you. Will you marry me. Please", he asked.

"I-I....", I said.


oooh a cliff hanger....

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