Music sounds better with you

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"I feel like, music sounds better with you"- NEIL FRANCES

Isabelle's POV (first person)

So. Well where do I actually start.

No I don't hate Freya. I actually admire her quite a lot. She's not my favourite person, but she's really funny and good to Jace.

Now. One thing I do not like is the fact that Jace and Freya have practically disappeared into the abyss.

They've been gone on a, and a quote, 'top secret clave mission', for three months now.

Top secret my ass, I knew what they were up to.

Another thing. There have been apparently some sort of strange activity going on in the shadow market.

So that's exactly where I am headed to know. To discover what going on, in the underbelly of the shadow world. Daily illegal selling of Yin Fen and unknown and deadly fairy potions. The shadow market is a dangerous place.

As I was passing a stool, I heard someone utter the words 'Jace Herondale'. So being my curious self, I decided to investigate.

"I hate him, shadow. There is no possible way you could convince me to try contact my sad excuse of a brother, Jace Herondale", a girl with pale blonde hair, and twinkling gold eyes said.

She looked exactly like Jace. How was this possible? Jace didn't have any siblings.

She looked roughly the same age as Jace. She had the same facial features, gold eyes, hair. She was the female version of Jace, I had to talk to her.

"Listen here...Ella Herondale, you're hereby banished from the shadow market, till you talk to your brother", another voice said.

The girl stormed away. I quickly followed her, being careful to not be caught.

The girl suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Whoever you are, come out. Or I will come out and kill you", she said.

I stepped out the dusty corners of the market, and smirked.

"Isabelle lightwood, at your service", I said.

"Huh?", she said.

"Why do you hate Jace so much?", I asked.

"I dunno, maybe because instead of acting like a brother, like the waste of space he is, he abandoned me when I needed him the most", she said coldly.

"Look...", before I could try to convince her that Jace isn't the villain she has painted him up to be, but she interrupted me.

"He's a waste of a space. And I don't know why his freak of a 'sister', is following me around like a fucking creep", she screeched.

She had a major attitude problem. And that's funny coming from me of all people.

"Look. Jace is probably the most caring and loving person that I know", I said.

"Yeah, to you", she sneered.

What the hell was her problem?

"Listen...", I said.

"I'm done listen to you", she said before running off.

"Ella.. Herondale?", shit was that Jace?

I slowly turned around and saw Jace staring at his supposed sister.

"The douche has made an appearance", she said.

"Who are you exactly?", Jace asked.

"I don't have time for this", she muttered.

"Ella Herondale. Your long lost twin or whatever, I'd thought you'd know about my existence since every single time I've tried to contact you, you've practically told me to fuck off", she said.

"Maryse told me I had a sister, but at the time I didn't want to...", Jace said.

"Yeah, yeah I get it. Look, I really need to go", she said.

"Ella, look, I'm sorry if I couldn't..", before Jace could finish his sentence she stormed off.

"Fuck!", jace yelled.

"Where have you been?", I asked.

"I'm undercover. Go home Izzy, I need to find my sister", he said, before practically sprinting off.

And after all this had happened I thought one thing: I'd had a very long day, and I wanted coffee.

Sorry about the short filler chapter, I've had a long day.
Anyways!!! I hope you're all enjoying my book so far!!
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