Speed of sound

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"If you could see it then you'd understand"- Coldplay

Freya's POV (first person)

"Raphael", I said coldly. Well, how should I talk to the person who has repeatedly tried to kill me?

"Ah, Freya Morgenstern. What do you want?", he said bitterly.

"Answers", I said.

"To what", he replied.

"Stop jumping around the bush", I retorted.

"I'm going to ask this one more time, before I kill you. What do you want?",
Raphael asked.

"Have you heard anything about a down world uprising. Or anything about Jonathan Morgenstern?", I asked.

"If I tell you what I know, I want something in return", he asked.

"What?", I asked.

"Immunity. You'll be my personal bodyguard for the next two weeks", he said.

"Fine", I said.

"Your brother has been murdering downworlders, and framing shadowhunters. If you do not stop him there will be a revolt. And that will mean trouble for everyone".

Jace's POV (first person)

I woke up and instantly reached for Freya. Except. She wasn't there.
Where could she be?

"Alec, do you know where Freya would be?", I asked.

I hadn't had the chance to see her the whole week, with the extra patrols the clave has forced everybody to do.

"She went out with Mom and Isabelle two days ago, and she hasn't returned since", Alec said.

"If the clave find out, it'll be...", I said before I was cut off by Alec.

"Chaos, yeah we all know. We've been looking for her constantly, but haven't found a trace. Jace, how could you not notice that she was missing", Alec said in a condescending tone.

"Look... I've been busy... I swear if we don't find her I'll...", I said before I was cut of, yet again.

"You'll what?", Alec said.

"You'll see", I replied, before walking off.

Fuck the clave and their stupid rules. I was going to find Freya, and then we'd run away from everybody.

I'd rather be stripped of my runes, and live like a human, than constantly worry about the clave. Me and Freya were going to leave the clave together. Well when I find her.

Freya's POV (first person)

I had spent the last two days trying to find anything about my brother, and what he has been up to.

After what Raphael had told me, I was freaking out. I was terrified. If there was a revolt from the downworlders, their would be utter chaos. Thousands of mundanes and shadowhunters would die because of my brother.

I wouldn't let that happen.

I had found out that Jonathan was using some sort of house that would teleport to various places, and it would go undetected by the clave.

The clave was incompetent and foolish, but I wasn't. I wasn't going to let my brother get away with this.

I was in Paris, and I had spotted my brother, he had dropped his stele, so I was now tracking him. He wasn't far from where I was.

I spotted Jonathan walking down an alleyway. I slowly and cautiously followed him. When he suddenly disappeared I freaked out.

"Well isn't it my darling sister Freya", he said bitterly.

"What are you up to?", I asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know. I've turned a new leaf. I'm concocting a plan to kill all greater demons", he said.

I started to laugh. Anyone would be absolutely absurd if they believed anything coming from his idiotic mouth. He was a master manipulator, and an incredible liar.

"Yeah yeah. What made you so interested in defeating demons? Especially greater demons? You have no chance", I said.

"Jace has already agreed to join me, in fact he's fetching something for me, as I speak", Jonathan said.

What the...

"Now, now. Freya... listen... Jonathan's doing what's best for everyone", I recognised that voice. It couldn't be... it was Jace.

I was suddenly knocked to the floor, and a cloth was place over my nose.

The last thing I heard before I slipped into a dark deep blackness, was, 'I'm sorry, I had to save...".

Freya HerondaleWhere stories live. Discover now