[bonus chapter?] Shadows fall behind you

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"Let the shadows fall behind you"- Rihanna


We had finally received the report from Idris, two weeks ago.

Their response was prompt, and completely useless.

They pretty much said, 'there's nothing we can do, deal with it'.


The same institution that preaches loyalty and respect, yet again does nothing to help. And loves to take credit for solving problems, they had no involvement in fixing.

I pictured Consul Penhallow's face, as my fist satisfyingly smashed against the punching bag.

I was beyond angry, that even Alec refused to spar with me.

Jace was nowhere to be seen.

He was on 'patrol', aka avoiding me.

But I got it. When I was angry I was a wild, untamed forest fire.

My phone buzzed, and I flipped it open, to see a text from Magnus.

Hey, sweet pea


Alexander is complaining about you. What happened?

The clave

Fair enough. You should come over, Jace, Alec and Isabelle are here :)

So they were all avoiding me.

Definitely understandable.

I just needed to cool down. That would help, if my annoying brother, and Jace's irritating sister were locked up.

I had had enough of their reckless antics. The worst part about all of this, was they were both romantically involved.

Deeply in love.

So much so, if any harm came to either of them.... They'd raise hell, and blame the entire world.

To what extent can live become a nuisance? Or, selfish?

Why should the entire world pay, because of their already damned relationship.

I, was biased, though. I wasn't a big fan of Jonathan or Jace's sister.

I decided to hit the showers, and head to Magnus'.


"Freya...you've been babbling, for two hours. I don't mean to say this, but please be quiet", Alec said, nervously.

"Whatever", I said, rolling my eyes.

The silence afterwards, was deafening and awkward.

"Remember when Jace betrayed us all", Isabelle randomly blurted out.

Jace rolled his eyes, and pouted.

"Awww... Jace you're so cut when you pout", I teased.

He looked confused.

"You look like a little toddler having a temper tantrum", I mused.

"Like you did earlier", he bit back.

"I had a reason", I said, whilst smirking.

I itched the backs of my hands. They were sore from all of the excessive training I'd been up to.

Jace gently grasped my hand, and withdrew a stele, before drawing an iratze.

My heart warmed, and my hand was back to normal.

He was such a big sap.

"You're so cute", we said in unison.

"Cut it out lovebirds", Magnus growled.

"We're no worse than you and Alec", I said.

Alec and Magnus had been dating for a couple of months. Magnus had always had a thing for him, apparently.

As they say, the heart grows fonder, with time.



Am I bringing this book back?


I think the much needed time jump, makes it easier, and enjoyable to write!!!

We'll see..

Thanks for reading guys!

xoxo Jess_6823

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