In the dark

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"In the dark"- Anna of the north

I loved peace and quiet, as much as the next person, but that didn't come often, with being a shadow hunter and all.

We had been spending the past week planning how to get in and out of Alicante undetected. I had created several runes, to make that possible.

But, that drained a lot of my energy.

My powers were weaker, and not the same. I didn't know why.

I had been training for three hours exactly, and it was a regular day. You know, in the midst of the penultimate battle with Clary or my brother, I didn't know.

I couldn't possibly tell anymore.

I felt dizzy.

Then, I knew I had finally turned crazy, when I saw a glowing bright light. And, what looked like my mom, stood before me.

"Freya", she said softly.

"What's going on?", I asked, dazed and confused. I felt as if I was in a trance.

"You've been working hard, you've done so many great things, but you need to let go", she said.

Let go?

"Let go?", I asked.

"Your true, great power, is for a purpose. Use it wisely, the key to defeating great evil, is to match that evil with your own strength", she said, before disappearing.

Tears, clouded my eyes, and as I felt them trail down my cheek, I let the sorrow consume me.

I never knew my mom. So, you could say I was mourning for a relationship that I never had the opportunity to have.

Sometimes I feel so cursed, and then I realise I've lost and gained so much.

I have a funny, smart and charming boyfriend, who has always loved me for me. As well as Magnus and the loyal lightwoods.

I heard the door slowly open, and quick and frantic steps.

"Freya, what happened?", Jace asked.

"I saw my mom", I said, whilst trying to put on a brave face, but failing miserably.

I ended up sobbing, in his arms.

Sometimes we have to let go of all that bottled up emotion inside of us.

"She loves you. Alright. Just remember that. Everyone loves you, darling", he said.

Once I calmed down, I explained what happened.

"I think it's something to do with that damn sword", I said.

"Slow down. Forget that. You, need a break", he said.

I shook my head.

"Not happening", I protested, stubbornly.

"Now it's definitely happening", he said. Leaving no room to argue.

He was right. I.... I'd drive myself crazy, If i continued on like this.

Constantly needing to be busy, to distract myself from my real problems.

"Alright", I said.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead, before embracing me.

"I love you, you know that", I said.

"I know, and I love you too much. I'm sounding like a sap, aren't I?", he asked.

"Aww, you're so cute", I said, whilst poking his nose.

He grumbled, whilst pouting.

Freya HerondaleWhere stories live. Discover now