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Since mock websites are becoming more common unfortunately, I have to give the disclaimer that this story is only being published on Wattpad, if you see it anywhere else let me know so I can warn my followers and also be aware that it could make your device vulnerable to malware.

'Living in this big blue world, with my head up in outer space, I know I'll be A-O, A-O-k'- Tai Verdes

Freya's POV (first person)

The usual. I woke up with a terrible headache. I was also freezing cold.
I was thinking over what Jace had told me about the whole clave. How he was practically forced to propose to me earlier than he planned to.

It was ridiculous.

As shadowhunters are we not supposed to come together and fight against evil. Fight against what's wrong, and obvious threats.

But instead we are ruled by a corrupt system, that exploits its people, and controls them. I didn't want to live the rest of my life like that.

But running away definitely wasn't an option for me, not after everything I've been through.

I've found facing the issue at hand is probably better then running away from it. I had to go through so much shit to realise that.

"Frey", it was Jace.

"Yep", I said.

"You need to get ready to go buy your 'dream dress', according to my mother", Jace said whilst smirking.

"How about, no thank you", I said.

"Freya, I thought we talked about this", Jace groaned.

"We did. But it doesn't mean I agree with anything going on", I said whilst slowly getting up.

"Freya, come on, after all this is over, we won't have to deal with any of this", Jace said.

"We will! The clave will constantly be after me!! By belittling me, and making my life a misery", I yelled.

"Frey... look we need to make the best out of this situation. Did you know... if it wasn't me who agreed to marry you, the clave would've found someone else. I'm still not sure why they are so adamant that you should get married", Jace said.

If only I knew why.

"I wish I knew", I muttered.

"Fine I'll get ready", I said.

Ugh... this listening thing was getting really old. I know that sounds immature, but when you have little to no freedom, then you'll understand.

"Freya", Maryse said. Lovely, just the person I wanted to see. Notice my sarcasm.

"Yes", I said.

"Ready to go", she asked, with the fakest smile plastered on her stupid face.

"Sure", I said.

We headed to the elevator, and we were walking through Central Park, when there was a sudden explosion.

"Shadowhunters, this is a message from the dark one. You have two weeks to surrender, shadowhunters, and hand over Freya Morgenstern", a deep, distorted voice yelled.

I could honestly never catch a break
"Tell 'the dark one', that he can fuck off, and I couldn't bloody care less", I yelled out to no one in particular.

"You have two weeks to hand over Freya Morgenstern, shadowhunters...", the voice just kept on repeating the same message over and over again.

Then I heard a gurgling, ear piercing noise, than there was an explosion.

I used my powers, to create a force field. The jagged pieces of rubble, deflected of the force field.

Maryse looked at me in horror and confusion. Isabelle looked confused and irritated.

I dropped the force field, and ran towards what looked like a broken CD player. I pressed the button, and it played "you have two weeks...".


Several benches had been deliberately blown up.

"We need to head straight back to the institute, this is a clear, dangerous threat", Maryse said.

"You mean, my brother has returned", I said.

"Listen here Freya, we couldn't possibly be sure if...", Maryse started to say, before I cut her off.

"Oh... save the pleasantries, I know what you truly think of me, and my family. My brother is back, and I'm not going to waste any time, sitting around and waiting for him to attack", I said bitterly.

Maryse looked shocked at my outburst. So did Isabelle.

I knew what they really thought of me, and I couldn't care less. I created a portal, and went to go visit the one person, that would know what to do in this situation.

Regardless of the fact that this person tried to kill me, right now, I'm willing to look past that.

Freya HerondaleWhere stories live. Discover now