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"Fuck!" Daniel cursed, gripping the steering wheel harder. He couldn't believe that Benjin was one of the bad guys. He only figured that out when he saw the tattoo on his wrist. The symbol that Dusty investigated. The symbol of the illegal research group led by  a supposedly dead man named Stanley. That explains why he didn't like taking his jacket off.

The moment they arrived in Italy, Benjin had drugged him in a way and left him at the airport restroom.

He was driving as fast as he can to the party venue. Suddenly, his phone rang. An unregistered number was calling him. Daniel disregarded the call.

Once again, his phone rang with the same unknown caller. He picked it up.

"Hey asswipe." He recognized the voice easily.

"What."He replied in a pissed tone.

"Whoa princess. Someone took a crap on your favorite dress?" There was a pause along with screeching noises.
"Anyways, wanna join me  catch this guy?"

"Where are you?"Daniel asked as he stopped at an intersection wherein two cars which happen to be Ethan, Viktor and Lucci just passed him.

"You got your answer."

Daniel hung up and followed the two cars to wherever they will go.

At the mansion, police, medics and firemen surrounded the area The paramedics carried Vanessa and put her on the stretcher to take her to the hospital along with the other drugged guests when she gained consciousness. Her vision was blurry at first but she could still clearly recognize Kristina's features. Everything was still unclear but she was sure that Kristina boarded the ambulance where her daughter was which made her try to get off the stretcher she was carried in.

"Ma'am everything's going to be okay. We need you to——"

"No you don't understand. My-my daughter is in danger" she said hazily trying to sit up.


"Alex... Alex"She said in between breaths. Hacker noticed that she awoke and with assistance, walked towards her and the team of paramedics with her. His wound was treated and bandaged which lessened the pain whenever he tried to walk.

"Vanessa you're awake." He started.

"Hacker.." She blinked twice. "That whore is with Alex. We need to save her." Vanessa said, getting off the stretcher and giving the paramedics a hard stare to back off and let her be.

The ambulance near them where Alex was whirred and sped off.

By this time, everyone was beginning to gain consciousness. The police took care of the bad guys while the emergency responders took care of everyone else, providing them assistance and blankets.

Luke who also just woke up spotted Hacker and Vanessa in an instant.
"What happened? Where's Alex?"

"Gone.We need to save her."she paused. " I can't believe I'm about to say this but... You guys should've killed that wench and her ass of a dad when you had the chance." Vanessa stated as she walked towards the parked police car.

When Alex woke up, she felt like she awakened from a deep and long hibernation. She looked to her side and immedietly recognized the woman she was with even though she was dressed as paramedics. She closed her eyes shut and pretended to still be asleep.

'How the hell did I end up in the back of an ambulance with her?'

Confusion washed upon her. Where did Luke go? Where did everybody go?

She peeked at Kristina and looked for something she could use as a weapon.

There was a box of syringe that she could maybe reach at her right side. Kristina was at her left.

Slowly, she started to move her hand towards the box of syringe. A bump in the road caused the box to fall over. There were syringes scattered everywhere. She grabbed the opportunity and grabbed one.

Alex had a hard time trying to remove the wrapping without making any noise. Kristina somehow sensed that something was off because she then turned her head to look directly at her. Alex closed her eyes once again.

Kristina stood up and moved her face closer to Alex.

Unexpectedly,gunshots were heard. Someone was shooting at the ambulance.

Kristina cursed under her breath. Her father who is the one driving, looked at the side mirror to discover that Hacker, Vanessa and Luke were following them. Vanessa was driving, Hacker was on the passenger's seat and Luke was at the back of the police car they borrowed.

"Motherfuckers." He stated, stepping on the accelerator harder. Kristina opened the doors at the back and shot back.  Alex then sat up, peeled the wrapping of the syringe,with her teeth, removed the cover and like a lion with its prey, she slowly moved towards Kristina who was distracted.

She pounced on Kristina and stabbed her on the neck with the syringe.
"Bitch!" Kristina shouted as she tried to shake Alex off her by bumping into the ambulance walls.

Hacker couldn't get a clear shot. "Go faster Vanessa!" He said, peering out of the passenger seat's window with a gun in hand.

"Stai zitto!"Vanessa said, gripping the steering wheel harder and going faster.

"Holy crap!" Luke exclaimed, feeling like he's going to be sick.

Hacker tried to shoot for the wheels but was failing miserably. "Don't say a word! I'm not used being in the open field alright." He stated feeling Vanessa's stare of  mockery on him.

"I didn't say shit. Shoot the damn thing!" Hacker once again pulled the trigger and it hit the back right tire. The ambulance starting swerving in direction. It became hard to control.

Alex bit on Kristina's neack really hard until she began to taste the metallic taste of blood.

Kristina screamed, grabbed Alex's arm and with all her strength threw her. Vanessa instantly drove faster to get close enough for Alex to land on the car's hood.  And she did.

"Alex!" Luke said. He looked at her very worriedly especially when she started to fall off. Kristina started shooting at them again. Vanessa slowed down.

Kristina's dad couldn't steer the ambulance very well which made him stop the car.

Carefully, Alex got in the car with Hacker's help and Vanessa sped past the ambulance where the two were.

"Fuck!" Kristina's dad cursed out loud.

Kristina got down the ambulance and so did her dad. "Police will be here soon. Let's get out of here."  She looked at the ambulance until it was out of sight.

"See you soon." she said before walking away with her dad.

The Body Swap (completed) Where stories live. Discover now