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By the time the gunshots ended, one of the men was already driving the truck in the cargo plane.

"Crap."Gunman said out loud as the plane started to take off. It's back already closing.

Nat clenched her fists."Fuck. Steel, Hacker and the kids are still in there!"

Sonya instantaneously whipped her head towards where Kristina laid a while ago and fair enough she vanished. "Yep and that woman disappeared."

"Hacker. Steel. Can you hear me? What the hell is happening?"Nat asked. The plane started to run on the runway. Accelerating it's speed to lift it in the air. Sure enough the plane was ready for takeoff.

A minute has passed and it was already lifted up in the air.

"Kids are tied, Steel got knocked out cold by Dwayne Johnson here and that chick popped out of nowhere. "

Gunman took a step forward. A bit antsy."What are you doing now?"

"I'm afraid I'm tied up with an unconscious Steel and have a gun pointed directly on my head so it's probably best if I stop talking. God, why'd I have to come out of headquarters? I'm not used to this crap..."

Kristina bent down to his level and removed his earpiece. Completely destroying it by stepping on it. "I see you've met my father."She whispered , referring to the big guy.

Hacker tried to keep in his laughter."Your ...your poor mother must have  been squished. Your dad is as big as Hulk to be honest."

Kristina backed up, her face twisted  in anger. "Dad..." Her dad moved towards him and punched his left cheek. He fell to his left side from the strong impact, taking Steel down with him.

Kristina's father didn't stop there. He started kicking him right in the stomach. Hacker felt like throwing up.

Dr. Stanley was checking the machine but was disturbed by Hacker's cry in pain. "Charles, that's enough."He ordered.

He huffed and turned away.

Hacker knew something like this would happen so he looked for a way out if ever they get caught. He couldn't just plant an explosive in order for the back of the cargo to open  since the plane would crash and Alex and Luke's lives including his own and Steel's would be at stake.

Hacker knew he couldn't save the kids for now. They were tightly and securely tied up on the seat that was on the side of the plane. As for them, they could easily get sucked out during the sudden decompression. He eyed the lever that opens and closes the back of the cargo plane.

All he needed was a parachute. A bunch of them was just near the kids. If the big guy could just throw them near Alex and Luke. "Hey Hulk... Is that all you got dickhead?"

This made Charles look back and charge towards them in anger. He grabbed Hacker by the collar, Steel also being carried along. With a hiss, he threw them towards the area of the two. Hacker laughed hysterically. He was able to get one parachute despite their tied up situation.

Some of the armed men stared at him in confusion. Dr. Stanley questioned his behaviour. "What are you laughing at?"

He successfully held the strap of the parachute bag  that would be their ticket out of there. Good thing he was able to reach it even though his arms couldn't move very well. He looked at Alex and Luke who had their mouths taped shut. "Don't worry we'll come and get you soon."he muttered. Thankfully, he had put a tracking device on them when he was trying to untie them just earlier in case something happens.

"Hey dick!"

Charles looked at him, his eyes blazing with hatred.

"That's right I'm talking to you. Is that all you got?" Once again Charles charged towards him and unconscious Steel like a bull in the ring. He punched his face and threw them just near the lever. 

Using the last of his strength, Hacker nudged the lever using Steel who was still tied parallel to him.

Everything was being sucked out.

"Crap! Hold on to something."Kristina yelled, grabbing on to something.

Some of the armed men didn't hold on to something fast enough and was ejected to the sky. Hacker and Steel also got ejected to the sky in a matter of seconds. Luke and Alex was still stable on the seats.

Dr. Stanley was holding on to the truck. He felt it being pulled out slowly though."Assholes! Close it immediately before the truck and us gets sucked out." The co-pilot instantly closed the back and everything wasn't getting sucked out anymore.

"Fuck they got away."Kristina muttered. "Don't worry daughter. We still have the kids. They'll soon come crawling back."He said putting a hand on her shoulder.

Kristina snatched a gun from one of the remaining men."Why not kill those two jackasses right now? We have no use of them."

"Not quite."Dr. Stanley paused. "They were smart enough to actually tear up parts of the machine and mess up the wires. Those parts aren't found in any hardware store. The kids will live for now otherwise those suckers...The Silent Death will ruin everything."

Hacker was trying his best to grab the knife in his pocket. After a bit, he managed to get the knife and began cutting the rope that binded them. They were falling fast. He lost grip of the parachute bag and it was now about 4 meters away from them.

"For the love of crapsticks come on!" He stated as he cut faster. Seconds of struggling has passed before he cut the rope successfully. Quickly, he grabbed the still unconscious Steel and borrowed his earpiece.

"Ethan. Sonya. Can you hear me?"

"Steel, Holy crap! What the fuck happened?"Sonya picked up.

"Currently we are falling from the sky and Steel is still unconscious. I'm trying to grab the parachute before it gets too far away to reach."He updated.

"So much for a once in a blue moon outing eh Hacker?"Gunman said in a playful manner.

"Yeah no crap!"His fingers were touching the bag but couldn't get a good grip on it. Everyone got in the car , trying to spot where they were falling. They only stopped the car when they noticed an ant-sized being getting bigger and bigger.

"Hurry before you get too close to the ground!"Nat exclaimed.

"Hurry up Hacker damn it!" Ethan said, getting out of the car and looking up at the fast approaching Hacker and Steel.

He stretched out his arm as far as he can. "I got it!" Hacker still had another problem. Steel is still unconscious. He secured the parachute bag on himself with only a hand, the other still holding on to Steel . It was only after then did he focus on trying to wake his unconscious companion.

He started to shake him violently. "Wake up goddamn it!" He slapped him across the cheek. "Steel you motherfucking prick, open up your eyes!"

Slowly, Steel's eyes fluttered open. Clueless of whats happening around him, he looked around. "Holy fuck."

Hacker grinned."Thank me later Steel. Hold on to me hurry." Steel wrapped his legs and arms around Hacker.

"This is something that will haunt me forever."He muttered.

"Just deploy the goddamn parachute!"Hacker screamed. They were already in a low altitude, 700 feet from ground.

He couldn't reach the string to deploy the parachute. "Hurry up Steel!"

"God I can't see this."Nat said, covering her eyes.

Steel was having a hard time, they didn't have goggles. He desperately tried and luck was on his side, was able to deploy the parachute. They were still coming in hot and fast towards the ground. It was Steel who touched the ground first, his body aching from the impact before Hacker landed on top of him.

The parachute covered both of them. Nat and the others ran towards where Steel and Hacker landed.

"Crap. Guys are you alright?" Ethan asked.

Hacker popped out from underneath , removed the parachute and laid on the solid ground. Steel followed him. He then began to laugh and looked at Steel who laid beside him. "I'm never going out of headquarters again if this is what happens."

The others look of concern quickly changed to relief. The heavy feeling in Ethan's chest lessened but didn't completely disappear. He looked up to the sky, hoping Alex and Luke were still okay.

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