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Alex felt like there was something heavy on top of her. Making her breathing difficult.

Dr. Stanley went over the machine. She couldn't see what was happening. What he was doing....and she had no intention of knowing whatever it is. Finally his complex machine came to life. Her heart pounded faster and faster. long as I stay hidden I'll be alright , she thought. Alex felt relieved a bit but her phone suddenly buzzed implying that there was a text message from her mom. She cursed silently to herself. Seriously?! Out of all the moments , the heavens had to choose this?

Alex felt like she was a character out of the movies. The stupid one , usually in horror movies wherein that person's phone buzzes or rings in the middle of the worst possible scenario.

"Hmm?" She heard Kristina say. Alex was doomed. Kristina walked towards
her hiding spot but before Kristina had a chance to bend down and see , she ran out of there. The wire around her foot caught her to trip . Alex cursed out loud.

The same wire on the woman got pulled and removed from her.

Since the machine was still up and running , she suddenly felt pain. That stinging sensation of electricity flowing through her body. She quickly removed the wire on her foot and stood up almost immedietly.

She only froze up when she realized all guns were on her. Alex slowly turned her head when she heard the boss clapping behind her. A sweat ran down her face as she tried to act nonchalant.

Two big men held her tight. Alex wriggled out of their hold but it was no use.

Alex remembered what her father had taught her. Some basic skills on protecting herself. She stepped on the man's foot on her right. Unfortunately , he flinched in pain a little but didn't let go. There was no choice then. Alex bit into the man's arm hard until she can taste the metallic taste of blood and hear his bloodcurdling scream. She then proceeded to elbow the man's stomache on her left and get free of his hold. Alex immedietly ran but with bullets raining over her.

"Don't shoot!"Jonathan ordered the men and they , without a doubt , obeyed him like he was their boss. Alex didn't want to stay there much longer to know the reason why he ordered them not to shoot and made a run for the car.

Meanwhile in the warehouse , Jonathan and Kristina was prepared to run after her. "Let's go."

Jonathan refused." We could have just shot her a while ago but I wanted to enjoy this crap so give the girl a running start would you? " Kristina rolled her eyes at Jonathan.

"Never mind. Let her go."Stanley said behind them both.

"But--"He cut off whatever Kristina was going to say. "Just keep an eye on her. Something happened and I want to know what."

Alex drove with high speed. She can still feel a slight tingling sensation. Her heart rattled in its cage. When she saw that nobody was following her , she slowed down a bit.

Her heart almost jumped out with relief when she came back to civilization. Turns out that wasn't her death day after all.

Alex didn't feel like going home and back to the comfort of her bed. At least not yet. She did , however , feel peckish. She saw a 24/7 fast food restaurant just along the road and drove through their drive thru.

Double cheeseburger. Fries. That's what her mind told her to order and so she did. She waited a few moments before a cute guy's head popped out of the window and handed her a paper bag consisting of her order.

She thanked the man who is probably just around her age. Just when she handed the payment and touched his hand , she felt a spark go through her veins. Not the kind that people feel when they get in physical contact with their crush or loved one. No, this felt real. Real pain.

Alex withdrew her hand. Same as to with the guy. The money fell to the ground. Stunned , she looked at the guy and he looked back at her with the same expression. What the heck was that?

"Uhh--I'll be going now. Just pick up the money on the..the ground. " Alex dashed off. Confused. She drove straight home after that.

The moment she entered the house , her mom , Vanessa Carlton was giving her a look.

"I went to check on you and you were gone with a snap of the fingers. Where have you been young lady?" Her mom asked.

"So you just went to check on your daughter past midnight? Who does that?"

With a stern tone she said ,"Answer me." Alex looked at her for a second and sighed. She can't lie to her. Not that she's a bad liar but her mom could sniff a lie 5000 miles away. But would she believe her when she told her the truth? No way would that happen.

"I just went to get something to eat alright? Please can we not argue about this any further? I am exhausted mom."

She gave her a raised brow but then too sighed and hugged Alex. "You and me both amore." Both of them remained hugging for what seems like decades until her mother whispered in her ear , "You know that I know you're not telling me the whole truth right?"

"Of course you do."

Alex laid on her bed , staring blankly at the ceiling and thinking about what had just happened. First thing in her mind was the thought of telling the police. No the police suck. They won't believe a word she'll say. Maybe they even moved out of that warehouse by now. Alex's gaze focused on the illuminated corner of her room which is due to the moonbeams that crawled its way in. She clenched the blanket covering her. Alex thought of the duo that got the woman. Their silhouttes emerged from the windows.

She blinked twice. God her imagination was working overtime. But still she knows that they are out there...and she is never safe till they get caught. She shifted her position.

She thought of seeking help from her dad. Alex sighed. Ever since her mom and dad's divorce...well not really since her dad didn't sign the divorce papers. But ever since their separation she hadn't been interacting with her dad. She wasn't even sure if she'd seen him. She'd catch him looking at her from across the road and when she ran to him , he disappears. Sometimes when school's finished , she'd see a shadow of a man watching her from afar and she knows its him. That's how she knows he still loves her.

Her dad is not the average dad everyone has. He doesn't work at a construction site or sit all day at an office. Instead he , with his team exposes bad people to the world. Making them face their own demons and suffer the pain they have caused others. Vigilantes ...some might call them and vigilantes they are indeed.

Alex sighed and closed her eyes. She decided to seek help from him and his team. But where will she find them? They're ghosts.

She buried her face on her pillow. 'I'll deal with that problem later. Right now I need some sleep.' she thought , thinking about school .

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