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The buyer, Lucci Rucci assured the guests that everything is under control and is being taken care of.

The wind grew colder and stranger, as if knowing that something bad is going to happen within the night at that mansion.

Gunman, a gum in his mouth spotted two black cars pull up within the vicinity. A total of 10 armed men arrived.  He breathed deeply and one by one , he shot every single one of them.

Their cold bodies scattered at the front of the party venue like rag dolls in a kid's room.

"How we doing in there guys? Bodies are starting to get piled up here."

"No good... If I touch these kids, they'll get electrecuted or worse.. They'll explode " Steel said.

"Follow my instructions..." Hacker said in response.

"How about you Nat? How's our rich dude?"

"Something's wrong Gunman.. He is unusually  calm."

"Stay alert ."

Meanwhile, Ethan and Stanley remained quiet. It's as if they were communicating with their eyes.

Stanley finally decided to break the eerie silence. "I want to make a deal with you."

"Not interested." Ethan replied, his finger eager to pull the trigger.

"If you want your daughter to be fixed, I need you to give me back the parts you removed from my machine. Deal?"

"Unrig my daughter and the boy first."

"Fine. Disengage." Automatically, the thing around Alex and Luke's leg removed itself.

"Alpha... The devices are removed..."Sonya said through her earpiece, starting to get oddly woozy.

"Something is definitely wrong guys...."Nat said, as she loosened the ridiculous tie the waiters had to wear.

She watched as Ricci once again gathered everyone's attention.
"Now that the lights are back. We can proceed to the testing of Project Zeus. My family along with the Elusive Society thanks you a lot for your sacrifice. Be thankful for being the chosen ones."

"What the hell?" Hacker said, watching from the camera he put on Steel and Sonya. "Guys are you alright?"

Instead of replying, they fell unconscious. Luke and Alex as well.

"The fuck?" Hacker got even more surprised when a man suddenly charged towards the van and threw something at the window. Broken shards of glass scattered  everywhere.

Hacker grabbed his gun and looked for the man but he was nowhere to be seen. He examined the thing the man threw. His eyes widened in realization and he held his breath, running as fast as he can away from the van. As he was doing so, he got shot in the leg.

Limping he made his way into a park car, busted the window and headed for the busy streets, shielding him from the unidentified shooter.

Nat watched as the guests fell unconscious to the floor. "Guys something's up..."

"Nat don't breathe the air! It's——" She didn't get the chance to hear the rest of what Hacker was trying to say because her world came spinning and she fell to the floor.

Ethan pulled the trigger which caused a slight wound on the edge of Viktor's right ear.

"What did you do to them?!" He said as he shot Viktor once more on the shoulder. Stanley flinched but his smile grew wider.

"I didn't do anything. You have caused a delay in schedule but all is doing well and good now. My trustworthy assistant has successfully retrieved the parts. All that has to be done is get rid of you."

Dozens of men and women appeared. Just by the looks of them, Ethan could tell that they weren't just some ordinary asswipes holding guns.

"I'll leave him to you. The party has just started and I wouldn't want to miss it." Stanley said . He wiped the blood the small wound caused on his ear and removed his bloodied jacket from his wound on the shoulder.

He walked away with two men following behind him and left Ethan to deal with his people.

Ethan smirked when Stanley left. He kept his gun. "Well... To tell you, I've been injuring assholes in my past missions but never killing them but... This is different. So what do you guys say...Fists?"

The tension intensified. No one responded but kept their guns aimed at Ethan.

"Fine" He brought out his gun. "Have it your way." Gunshots echoed all throughout the mansion.

In the middle of the madness, Gunman appeared with an Ak-47 in his hands. "I've always wanted to try out these bad boys."

The moment Ethan saw the gun Gunman was holding, he quickly ducked.  In what feels like seconds, everybody laid on the ground.. Lifeless. Ethan got up and grabbed whatever weapon he could grab from the bodies.

"I knew all the guns and shit from HQ would finally come to real use. We didn't confiscate those crap for nothing." Gunman laughed. He dropped the gun and caught the guns Ethan handed to him.

"Guy- can y- he- me?" Hacker's voice was being cut off making it hard for the two to fully understand what he was saying.

"Hacker where are you?"

"Someone's trying to kill me.. Freaking bleeding my leg out in a public restroom. Look, I've cut out all the communication sources in that mansion from the outside world when we started our mission but hear this...someone's been listening to us all this time."

"Who?" Gunman asked as they made their way towards where Lucci and Stanley were. Their people were carrying the unconscious guests into gurneys and bringing them in a door on the wall which wasn't there before.


"Hello gentlemen.." a stranger's voice said soothingly.

"Who the hell are you?" Ethan asked.

"How rude of me to not introduce myself... The name's Benjin, Your computer genius of a friend simply couldn't outsmart me. I control everything. Even the police and they don't even suspect a thi--"

"I've heard enough." Ethan interrupted. He removed his earpiece and crushed it into pieces with his foot.
Gunman did the same.

"What do we do now Alpha?" Gunman asked, both of them peeking at what Lucci,Stanley and his men were trying to do. Just then a couple of men and women came into view. Their outfit alone tells everything. They were of the high class.

One thing that Gunman and Ethan noticed is that they are of old age. People in their 50's and above have arrived and Ethan began to assemble what was happening.

"Well Gunman we know we are being watched." He said as he looked up at a CCTV camera. Both him and Gunman raised their hands in mid-air and   middle fingered at the camera. 

"What's your plan?"

"He's only watching so... Let's do whatever shit we  can to save these people" he paused. "Hand me a grenade."

The Body Swap (completed) Where stories live. Discover now