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With a long time of convincing, she was able to get them to agree with her. Though Steel and Gunman was in the radar looking out for her and Luke and Nick of course.

She arrived at the school campus.
'Thoughts of Luke...set aside. You are here for Sean and the sake of your freedom' Alex was hopeful that they wouldn't switch.

Alex spotted Sean talking to Howard. A friend of his. She jogged towards their direction. Sean's face immediately brightened up once he saw her.

"I'll talk to you soon Howard."He said as he patted Howard's shoulder and walked towards Alex.

"Hey."He greeted.

"Hi Sean."He bent down to kiss her forehead before both of them entered the school building. Alex was bothered though. She didn't feel the spark that she once got whenever Sean did something sweet. It's gone.

Luke apologized to Mrs. Drew for not showing up after classes that day. And because of that they weren't able to discuss on what Luke agreed upon. Their music teacher Mrs. Drew started a club where kids could learn and enhance their ability to play an instrument. Mrs. Drew asked him if he wanted to be her assistant. With the fact the number of children who joined the club gradually increased in number. He accepted her offer. Not because he thought she was pitiful in teaching all those kids and needed help but because he loved music as well.

"That's alright Luke. I'm sure you have a valid reason. Well, since we don't have enough time I am just going to give you the schedule..."She handed him a piece of paper. Just as they were walking, the bell rang.

Mrs. Drew cursed. "I need to go then Luke. See you on the next meeting." She couldn't run due to her heels so she sped up her pace instead. Luke looked at the folded paper that she gave him and put it in his pocket before proceeding to class.

He stopped walking for a brief moment and looked outside the window.

'I wonder what Alex is doing.....'

When he went inside their classroom, it was a total chaos. Everyone was in their own world. Talking. Laughing at something on their phones. Throwing paper at each other. The same thing that happens whenever the teacher is not around yet.

Not saying a word, Luke walked over to his seat nearest the window. He sighed and brought out his earphones to distract himself from his savage classmates. He closed his eyes and let the music take him away.

Mia Green who was two seats over was having second thoughts whether to give him the letter that she made. She bit her lip and banged her head on the desk.

Edward Turner, the class' supposedly called "bad boy" noticed the paper that she was holding and snatched it from her.

"Hey give that back!" Mia yelled as she tried to retrieve the paper from him. This caught Luke's attention. Wondering what all the ruckus is about, he opened his eyes and removed his earphones.

Edward and his friends were laughing. "What do you have here? Oh it's a love letter for Luke Hudson!" By this time the whole class joined in the childish behaviour of Edward.

Luke shook his head.

"Well I'll do the honors in delivering your letter." He walked over to Luke and put the letter on his desk. "A letter from Madam Green." He joked.

"Read it!" One of his friends yelled. Everyone began chanting. "Read it! Read it! Read it"

Mia covered her face with her hand in embarrassment. She felt like crying any moment.

Edward brought out his phone and started recording. Luke , not uttering a word, stood up with the letter on his hand walked over to where Mia was seated.

The Body Swap (completed) Where stories live. Discover now