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Ethan watched as Vanessa entered the hospital with snacks and flowers in her hand.

He could only smile at her from afar . She really is a strong woman, he thought.

Ricci had cleared the misunderstanding like he promised. His company was heavily affected, along with all his connections. The Elusive Society has been targeted by the media and is now under questioning.

Ricci had paid all the property that was damaged and though he didn't go to jail, the police have their eyes on him. They had him wear  an ankle monitor and he didn't protest. Same as is with his wife and eldest son. With all that has happened to him and his company, he still managed to smile brightly. His daughter was proud of him. Of what he had done. And now she looks up to him.

Although everything was cleared up, Ethan along with his team are still wanted by the police. What they were doing was still not accepted by the police. Vigilantes according to the police, do nothing but cause more trouble.

Sonya, Gunman and Ethan's sister just like the Elusive Society were under questioning. The three of them were now in jail as the italian police force wait for Daniel's companions to handle them.

Hacker got out of the car and stood by Ethan. "You've got one heck of a family Alpha." he said.

"Yeah... Yeah I do." he responded, still looking at the direction where Vanessa went. He sighed and turned around. As he walked back to the car with Hacker following behind him, gunshots were heard inside the hospital which made Ethan turn his head.

Without having to think, he ran towards the hospital. He didn't give a damn if the police got to him anymore. Hacker, still limping grabbed the gun in the car and followed after Ethan.

Screams were heard. People rushed out of the hospital. Panick filled each of their system.

"Essa!" Ethan shouted when he entered. Vanessa was being pulled by the hair by none other than Charles. He dragged her back to the main lobby where she was just from moments ago.

"Ethan!" Vanessa felt like her scalp is being ripped from her head. Charles made her stand straight and pointed a gun directly at her head.

Hacker pushed the glass door open, his gun pointed at the man holding Vanessa captive.

"A life for a life." Charles hissed pressing the gun on her head while the other pulled on her hair tighter.

"Signore alzate le mani in aria o spariamo  !"

When Luke and Alex heard the gunshot, they broke the hug and immediately rushed down the stairs. Hearts beating louder and stronger made them even run faster.

Patients were unaware of what is happening. Visiting loved ones were fearful and trembling.  Few hospital staffs were having a breakdown and were all over the place not knowing what to do. While the others were busy ensuring the safety of patients and visitors by telling them to stay in their rooms and not panic.

Amidst the mayhem, Daniel just regained consciousness. Upon hearing the shouts and screams, he immediately got up from bed even if he was still in pain. 

Just as he opened the door, he spotted Alex running with Luke.

"Alex!" he yelled for her but she didn't turn her head. He cursed. Among the panicking people there he asked what the hell was going on.

"There is a crazy maniac with a gun at the lobby." Upon hearing this response, he quickly ran after Alex and Luke but not before getting blocked by a nurse.

Daniel had no idea what she was trying to say to him and pushed her out of the way.

"Alex!" He screamed once more but Alex was way ahead to have heard him. He slowed down when his wound started to hurt very badly. Daniel groaned. A nurse saw this and quickly went to him to help.

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