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Daniel looked around confusedly. He and his companion had slowed down. Their stranger of a companion had also slowed down for a moment before speeding away. "What the hell? Where the hell did they go?!"

Benjin Cage, the other cop driving the other car was even more confused than he was.

Daniel cursed and hit the steering wheel. Hard. "How the hell could we lose a fucking truck?"

Sonya smiled,looking at the car from a distance."We lost them." They were currently parked inside a car repair shop just by the street.

Ethan started the engine and sped off to the dumpsite where Gunman and Steel were already waiting. They transferred the machine to the other truck hurriedly. Gunman was on the driver's seat wearing a cap and shades.

Steel put an explosive inside the first truck before all of them dashed away from there. They were all in the back of the truck except for Gunman. It was only after a minute or two before they set off the bomb. The car ignited, blowing up into a million pieces.

"Alright guys...head back here. Nice job." Hacker praised.

They started to head back to headquarters without suspicion from anybody. Alex felt relieved. Her father was out of harm's way.

Luke put a hand on her shoulder. She looked at him..herself. "Wanna wait for them outside?"

Alex nodded. Both of them headed out. Outside there were two worn out swing chairs. Luke and Alex took a seat. The moment Alex blinked she found herself looking at Luke. Not to herself but Luke. They have switched again.

"This switching thing keeps getting weirder and weirder every time it happens."Luke commented.

"Tell me about it."

There was a moment of silence before Luke spoke up again. "I wonder what Nick is doing."He said staring at the trees that surround them.

"I'm sure he is fine."Alex reassured. She looked on to her feet. Her grip tightened on the rope that held the chair in place. "Hey Luke..."


She turned to look at him. "When this is all over...what happens then?"

"Nothing is certain about the future. Let's just wait until it happens."

For a moment she had nothing to say and returned to looking down at her feet. "But..."He spoke that made her look up at him again. "I'm pretty sure we'll still be close friends."

Something about what he said echoed in her mind. It made her feel relaxed. She couldn't understand. She sighed and stood up making Luke look at her a bit confused.

"Where are you going?"

"I thought we could use a walk."

Luke kept still for a moment before finally standing up and following her. The trees were whispering secrets as the wind rustled with them. The fallen leaves crunched in pain as they stepped on them.

Everything was calm.

"Luke I never got to ask you....where is your relative that's serving as your guardian?"



They came across a tree. Different from the others. It was an old alder tree. Almost everything was covered in moss.The surrounding trees are all the same except for it.

Alex looked at Luke. "Come on."

"If you're thinking that I would climb that thing with you, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I won't."

Alex was already climbing the tree. Her hand was looking for something to hold on. Her feet finding something to step on. "That's fine with me. And oh it is not a thing. It's alive." She finally reached the branch that she wanted to seat on.

Luke was looking up at her. "Oh did I hurt the tree's feelings?" She was moving her legs back and forth. Her hand on either sides. Face calm.

"You did."

Luke half-smiled and shook his head.
There was really something about this woman that he really liked. That made her different.

His phone rang. He fished it from his pocket and once he saw that it was his brother calling he picked it up immediately.

"What's up Nick?" He could clearly hear laughter and splashing sound in the background which made Luke wonder as to what was happening.


Luke looked up to Alex who was listening quietly. "Is that a question?"

"I don't even know."

Alex stood up on the branch that she was seated on a while ago looking at the direction of the sound of cars approaching."Oh Luke! I think they are here."

"I've got to go."He ended the call.

"Wait . I'm coming down."Alex began her attempt to go back down but unfortunately she slipped. Luke, just below her had wide eyes as she fell.

She landed on top of him. Her back on his chest. Luke whimpered. Alex felt pain. On her back and on her shot shoulder. "Well that is another way of getting down a tree."She groaned.

She stood up and brushed the dirt of her clothes. Alex looked down on Luke who had his eyes closed. "Are you going to stay there or what?"

He opened his eyes and lifted his head to look at her directly. "Just leave me to die here."He then closed his eyes and returned to his original position.

"Hey. Who is the one who fell down a tree?"

Luke didn't move an inch. His eyes still closed he replied, "Who is the one that got squished?"

"Yeah. We are come on!"

Luke sat up and shook his head to remove the leaves and dirt that clung to it. He looked up at her and laughed.

Alex was confused. What is he laughing at? "Is there something on my hair?" She started to brush her hair with her fingers to see if there really was something on her hair.

Luke smiled. "No. There's nothing on your hair. It's just...."He motioned to stand up and stood close to her. He liked her and there is no denying it. It's his first time for him to have feelings like this for someone else. To like someone more than as a friend. Developing feelings towards Alex brought no harm. Such a shame that she's already got someone else. The thought bothered him.

Hacker suddenly came into view. "Hey guys better get inside."

He paused. "Oh sorry did I interrupt on something?"

Alex looked up at him blank faced. "No, no. Right we are coming"She started to walk towards Hacker's direction. Luke following behind her.

In the inside , Alex was going crazy. She suddenly forgot that she had a boyfriend at those moments. She glanced back at Luke who smiled at her.

Oh fuck. What the hell is happening? She wanted to punch herself but she didn't. Couldn't. Is it possible to like someone and still love someone else at the same time?

The Body Swap (completed) Where stories live. Discover now