Part 2

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*******Trigger Warning. Physical Abuse**********

Hinata's POV

By the time I had arrived at my house the sun had long been set. I put my bike away in the shed around the back of the house and looked up toward the night sky. The stars were shining brightly tonight. That was one benefit of not living in town. The streetlamps and buildings always blocked out the stars. Here, I could see them clearly. It was amazing that a ball made of gas and dust, could look so beautiful and bright; how something so insignificant could become so inspiring to people.

I sighed and made my way to the front door. I readied myself, quietly and slowly opening the door. As soon as I walked in, I looked for my mom's signal. It was our way of communicating without bringing attention to ourselves. A nod, up and down, meant that the mood in the house was okay. A shake, side to side meant that my stepdad was bound to blow up at the tiniest of things. Luckily tonight I got a nod. I went over and quietly hugged and kissed my mom and sister Natsu, who was watching tv next to my mom.

I wasn't sure where he was, but I'd do my best to avoid the bastard. I took my things and climbed up the stairs quietly. After putting my book bag in my room, I gathered what I would need and took a shower. I let the warm water run over my body to soothe my aches and pains. Of course, my body was sore from practice, but that wasn't the only source of my pain. I looked down at my side and gently ran my fingers over a bruise my stepdad had given me.

That is what happened when I angered him. He was a complete bastard. Greedy, rude, mean, and a drunk. He hadn't started out that way. When my mom first met him, he was kind to all of us, but that was just a mask he put on to fool everyone. My mom is a smart and beautiful woman. She is a total catch, and he doesn't deserve her at all.

Koichi Ito was my mom's new husband. He was a top lawyer at a prestigious law firm and worked long hours. It was a stressful job, but it wasn't a good enough excuse for his behavior. Things started out fine like I said, but it didn't last. My mom was a hardworking nurse at a local hospital and the two seemed to share the financial responsibilities equally, but all that changed when my mom grew ill. My mom was diagnosed with a chronic neurological condition and the disease worsened to the point where it interrupted her job. She had to quit and that led Koichi to show his true colors.

Not long after that, they started fighting constantly and he started returning home late at night, long past his normal work hours, drunk off his ass. He continued to waste money on booze and anything he deemed important. It was apparent that he liked having all the power in the relationship.

I remember the day things took a turn for the worse. It was early morning, and I was getting ready to start my first day of middle school. I had my hand on the doorknob, ready to leave, when I heard shouting from the kitchen. My mom wasn't the type to shout, but I heard her clearly.

"When are you going to stop drinking so much?" I inched closer to the kitchen in time to see my stepdad's face turn red as he stood up from his chair.

"What! How dare you ask me that. I work hard to provide for you and your children! I don't need to take care of them, but I do out of the kindness of my heart." I couldn't believe the words spewing from his mouth. My mom flinched at his demeanor and loud voice. She tried again.

"I understand that but isn't it time to cut back a little? You have been spending a lot of money on alcohol." This seemed to really set him off and he started to clench his fists. As he yelled at my mom, spit flew from his mouth and the veins in his neck popped. I had never seen someone get so angry in my life.

"Cut back? I'm Koichi Ito! I graduated at the top of my class at law school and work at one of the most prestigious firms in the country. If I want to drink every day, I will!" My mom started to look scared as he closed in the distance between them.

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