Part 16

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Above is the song that Shoyo sings in part 16. I posted it for those who aren't familiar with it.

Enjoy the story.

Kenma's POV

Kageyama filled us in on everything days ago and said that the guy hadn't shown up again, but I was still worried. Why was the guy threatening Hinata for money and who was this mysterious K that was seemingly behind it all?

"Have you heard anything from Chibi-chan?" Like any other school day, Kuroo came to my classroom to walk with me to lunch.

"I have, but he's not his usual self. I talked to him on the phone, but it was like he had no emotion in his voice."

Kuroo frowned. "Yeah, that doesn't sound like our shorty. He's usually so energetic and full of life. He hasn't been the same since his rib injury."

"I agree. I don't know why all these bad things are suddenly happening to him, but I will find out who the piece of trash is that dares to threaten Shoyo. I already have someone looking into it."

"You know, you scare me sometimes, but I'm glad to have you on my side." Kuroo wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side as we made it to the lunchroom.

"I'm just glad that we'll be able to help Shoyo in some way. It sucks living far away from him. I was thinking that after high school, we could all live in one house. Somewhere in between our colleges, or jobs."

"That's a nice dream Kenma, but we don't even know how he feels about all of us." The truth of his words left a dull ache in my chest.

Hinata's POV

It's been a few days since I last saw that thug, but I can't say for sure that he hasn't been around. I've felt like I've had eyes on my every move ever since. Call me paranoid, but it was best that I acted like I was being watched because I probably was. I haven't gotten near Kageyama since after the hospital and I've been careful to make it clear to any by standers that we're just friends. He noticed me distancing myself from him, but it was necessary. I haven't called him Tobio since the day at the hospital either. I could tell it was hurting his feelings, but I rather hurt his feelings than have him physically hurt by Koichi. I was doing the same with the other guys as well. I had to protect them all.

It was finally Friday and practice was almost over. I really hated staying on the sidelines, watching everyone but me play, but it was better than not being in a gym at all. I decided to wait for Kageyama in the club room. On my way over a tall figure came out from behind the storage shed's shadow.

"Hinata. It's been a few days."

"What do you want?" The thug came closer and I instinctively took a step back.

"Listen, I'm not here to hurt you. I come bearing some good news."

"Good news?" I was a bit skeptical that I'd find anything that came out of his mouth as good news.

He nodded and smirked. "The first good news is that you get to know my name." I looked at him blankly. "Oh, come on. I know you've been dying to know my name. I've seen you eyeing me up."

My mouth dropped open at his accusation. "You're joking, right? I have zero interest in you."

"Ouch... That hurt Shoyo, but I know you're just putting up a front. I know what kind of guy Koichi is. Not very accepting if you catch my drift. Anyways, call me Jiro." He gave me a wink and I gave him a disgusted face in return. He just looked amused. "The other good news is that Koichi is willing to let you come home if you give back the rest of the money and obey his other stipulations." I was speechless for a moment.

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