Part 8

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Kenma's POV

We were only a few minutes into the drive when I noticed Sho's eyes starting to flutter. He looked exhausted. I told him he should rest on the way. He nodded in reply. I was a little shocked when he came closer to me without warning, then rested his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I was glad he couldn't see the blush growing on my cheeks. I hesitantly brought my hand up to the top of Sho's head. I gently ran my fingers through his soft orange hair. After a while I couldn't help but take my phone out and take a selfie with the sleeping angel. I'm sure he wouldn't mind and it's not like I was doing something dirty. I stared at the picture on my phone for a bit then put the phone in my sports bag. For the first time in a long time, I wasn't tempted to pull out my portable game console or play games on my phone. I placed my fingers through his hair again and continued to play with it for the rest of the ride. I sat in my seat, smiling and content just being by his side.

When we arrived at Nekoma, Sho was still sleeping. I almost didn't want to wake him. He looked so peaceful, and he had looked so tired before, but I think he'd be disappointed if he didn't get to see everyone.

"Shoyo, we're here." I nudged him to wake him up but was wary of his injury. He started to groan and slowly opened his eyes then lifted his head off my shoulder.

I rolled my shoulders, feeling a little stiff from the long ride. Shoyo looked at me with a little worry. "I'm sorry. Did I hurt you by laying on you?"

I patted his head and smiled, not wanting him to worry about something so miniscule. "No, you didn't. I was just a little stiff. It's alright." The worry thankfully left his face, and he gave me a soft smile. I loved his smile. "Well, let's head over to the gym. We should be right on time."

Hinata's POV

Once we got to the gym, I was happy to see a bunch of familiar faces. It had been a while since I had seen the Nekoma team. I heard my name being called from across the gym and saw that giant, Lev, running toward me.

"Hinata! Hey, have you gotten any taller yet?" I smiled but then gave him the stink eye. Of course, he had to bring up my height as soon as he saw me. Luckily, I wasn't the only one annoyed by him.

Yaku ran up from behind him, and with a running kick, jumped and kicked him in the butt. Lev flopped forward. "Shut it Lev! Just because you're freakishly tall doesn't mean you're better than anyone. Your receives suck! Maybe, I should make you do receives then run laps the entire practice. What do you think?" Lev's face filled with dread.

"No, please not that!" Lev groaned and everyone else started laughing.

"Hey Chibi-chan! How are you feeling?" Kuroo walked over to our growing group. He walked right up to me and ruffled the hair on my head. He smiled brightly down at me, and I was worried I might start blushing in front of everyone. Kuroo was a very attractive senpai. He was an all-around good guy too.

I unintentionally shied away from his radiant gaze. "I'm okay, I guess..." I trailed off. I was always left feeling uncomfortable when someone asked that question. I was rarely ever able to give a true answer and I hated lying to my friends, the people I truly care for. When no one said anything after my answer I looked back up to find everyone carefully assessing me.

"Shoyo, it's fine if you're not okay. You had a rough couple of days. It would be strange if you were perfectly fine," Kenma said in his low and soft voice. He gave me a small smile and for a moment I was left speechless.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm in a lot of pain from my injury and I'm upset that I can't play volleyball." I didn't want to mention anything about not being able to go home. Just thinking about home and my mom, left me feeling depressed and my face must've shown my true feelings.

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