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"Wow! How the hell are you even friends with the hottest guy in our university? That's just.. seems.. a bit odd, isn't it, Jenny?" the rude brunette girl snarled.

"um...ah...I.." I stammered. My cheeks were red, feeling embarrassed and awkward around the girls. A part of me just wanted to run away from these girls. Luckily, I heard the sound of the bus. I turned around and saw the bus approaching to our stop.

The bus arrived. I waited for the people to come down. I quickly go inside and sat in the front seat of the bus to avoid Jenny and her crews. It was really embarrassing. How am I supposed to be sociable? Why am I such an awkward potato? I sighed heavily and looked at the window, to shift my thoughts away from the incident just now.

Throughout my journey to Sky University, my mind kept on thinking on how am I supposed to fit in the new environment in the university. Having a new experience scared me a little as I actually loved being in my comfort zones surrounding with my family and my closest friends, Johnny, Wendy and Linda.

Wendy and Linda were the only closest friends that I have. They are really understanding and helpful. They accepted me for who I am and embraced my weaknesses. I am so thankful for having best friends like them.

Wendy, Linda and I met during high school when Johnny and I kind of drifted apart. Wendy is completely opposite to me. She is talkative, friendly and cheerful. She is a bit on the extroverted personality type. I actually adore Wendy. Sometimes, I wish that I had a little bit of extroverted characteristics. 

Linda's personality is a bit similar to me but she is really mature compared to me and Wendy. She is an ambivert, I suppose.  Linda is like my counsellor because I always share my thoughts and problems to her. I actually am grateful of having these two precious friends.

Wendy, Linda and I went to different universities because we have different dreams and ambitions. Wendy went to a health science academy. She likes to help people especially the elderly people. I admired her kind hearted and optimistic spirit.

Meanwhile, Linda is such a creative and talented person. She can draw really well. Linda goes to Royal Arts Institute to pursue her dreams of becoming a designer.

And I, Alice Clarke, am going to study psychology at Sky University. To be honest, psychology is not in the list of courses that I am going to choose in Sky University. However, something about the human mind and how people behave actually attract me to choose this course. I hoped that this course will give me benefit to enhance my social skills with other people.

The bus stopped and my heart was beating as fast as it could. I got up and walked out of the bus. I tried to look around and search for the department of psychology. I am known to be pretty bad with directions and navigations. I spent for almost 10 minutes looking around for the signboards of the department. I tried to approach one of the people but they seem to be preoccupied with themselves. I walked again, trying to search for the department and suddenly tripped into a branch and fall. Some people are looking at me in a concern way. I brushed away the dirt on my pants and smiled.

"How embarrassing." I grumbled, feeling embarrassed.

As I tried to stand up, a hand was in front of me and I looked up to see a guy.

"Do you need a hand? Does it hurt, though?" He asked. A girl interrupted him, 'Of course, she hurts. I would have cry if I fall that hard.' She scolded him.

"Yeah" I grabbed his hand and he helped me to stand up.

"Hi. I'm Jeremy and this is Kathy. We are the freshmen for the department of psychology. Do you perhaps know where it is?" The guy asked.

"Oh. I am also a freshmen for the department of psychology too!" I said, feeling relief that I actually find my course mates.

"Oh my, we are course mates, then. That's great! Let's go and search for this department together!" Kathy squealed linking her arms with mine and Jeremy's.

The three of us were walking around the campus and trying to look for the department until we heard a girl, perhaps our senior, sitting in a chair and making an announcement with a loud and clear voice,

"Welcome to the department of psychology. Freshmen, come and gather around in this booth." She said.

Jeremy, Kathy and I walked to the registration booth and registered our name at the counter. Then, we walked through the booth where all psychology's freshmen gathered around. I began to ask both Jeremy and Kathy some basic questions in order to get to know them. Both of them seemed nice and friendly.

"So.. My name is Alice and I just live in a share house nearby the university. What about you guys?" I said.

"Well, I already tell you my name. And I live in Magda, which is a bit far from this university but I managed to get a hostel in this university. So it's quite alright for me." Jeremy replied.

"I live in May Street. We were in the same bus before." Kathy said. She then added, 'I was going to sit next to you before in the bus but you seemed to be preoccupied, looking at the window.'

"Really? Woah, what a coincidence! So.. Are u guys dating or..?" I asked.

"What.. NO!!" Both Jeremy and Kathy quickly denied in unison. I startled, feeling shocked at their sudden reaction. I gave and awkward smile, trying to ease the tension.

I took a glance at both of their face. I can see that both of them are nervous and their faces were as red as tomatoes. Hmmm. Something suspicious is happening. I actually think that both of them would make a good couple. Just like what I thought of me and Johnny. But that did not happen. He is happy with Jenny. I should be happy for him since he is my best friend. Time to forget this unrequited crush, I supposed.

I took a deep breath, sighed and said,'Okay. Relax. So how did you two meet?' Jeremy smiled brightly, as he recalled his first memory of meeting Kathy, 'Both of us are friends since we were kids. Kathy is the one who talks to me first.'

Jeremy then talks about his friendship with Kathy and as I listen to him, I remember my friendship with Johnny.

We kept on talking about our high school experiences and many other related topics. Even though I just met Jeremy and Kathy not long ago, I felt really comfortable and able to be myself. They reminded me of my best friends, Wendy and Linda. I wondered how their first day of being a freshmen in their university is. Maybe I should give them a call later or next week, just to check up on them.

Sky University is fun and beyond my expectation. I actually made a few acquaintances in my department. Everything seems fine and makes me feel secure and at ease until... something unexpected happened. Remember what happened yesterday? Guess what? The guy that I bumped into at the streets yesterday happened to be in one of my class. It is just... AWESOME!! Not!

To be honest, I did not recognize his face at all because it was covered with his cap and hoodie yesterday. I walked to the hall, oblivious of his presence and just minding my own business. All of a sudden, a certain someone came to irritate me and annoy me on my first day of university. That conceited guy was the one who approached me first and made a sarcastic remarks of me.

"Whoa, I can't believe that you follow me until here! Hi, my stalker." He winked.

"Huh.. Do I know you? Have we met before?" I blinked, looking confused.

"Quit playing around. If you want my number, just ask." He smirked and went to talk to a few guys in the hall.

Once again, that arrogant guy left me speechless. Wow. I can't believe that a guy like him actually exist in this world!

"Alice? Who's that? Your "future boyfriend?" Kathy smiled, wriggling her eyebrows.

"Wha...t? NO!!" I abruptly answered.

Never in my wildest dreams!! I will hopefully be able to stay away from him for the rest of my study in this university. I will try to not be noticeable and just mind my own business. Maybe that way he won't be able to annoy me. Or so I thought. Who would've thought he eventually become an important person in my life in future?

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