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My eyes looked up and saw his face. He looked handsome as usual. Aaron was smiling at me, his teeth was showing and his dimples were visible in his cheeks. My heart skipped a beat. What was most important that he wa wearing our couple shirt! I grinned at him and pointed at his shirt.

I giggled, pointing at his shirt for a few times and said, 'Hey, baby. You are wearing it too!. Omg. This is funny.' Aaron joined me laughing and he winked, 'Hey, baby girl. You look really cute wearing our couple t-shirt.' I blushed hearing his compliment, covering my face and said, 'Hey. Stop it! Don't make me feel embarrass.' He smiled brightly, replying, 'You are so cute. Okay. I won't tease you.'

We talked for about 30 minutes because my mom just barged in my room. It was funny yet scary at the same time. My mom knew about my relationship with Aaron. She gave her blessing for our relationship. I still remembered how my mom ended up knowing our relationship. I remembered what happened on that day when my mom found out that I have a boyfriend. It was funny and scary at the same time. I will always laughed whenever the scenario came into my mind.

It was in the end of November and the finals results are in. Kathy and Jeremy were both so nervous on checking our semester 1's result. I was nervous yet curious on what is my result for this semester. I told Aaron about it. I yelped in joy when I saw my result. I quickly grabbed my phone and typed, 'Baby, guess what? Guess what did I get for the subject of Introduction of Psychology?'

Ping! One new message. I read his reply, 'I'm pretty sure that my baby girl gets an A.' I nodded in joy and replied, 'Yes. I got an A. Ah. I'm so happy.'

Then, Aaron replied, 'That's my girl. My girl is really smart. So, what should I buy for you? A gift for excellent results.' I furrowed my eyebrows, confused and replied, 'Eh? A gift? No. You don't have to give anything for me.'

Ping! I read, 'I really want to give you something. You did buy me birthday presents. Let me give you something.' I looked at his reply and typed, 'Okay. Okay. I'll let you know what I want for my gift.'

Somehow after I did some research on what kind of gift do I want? I research on the cheapest gift he can give to me. It ended up Aaron buying a silver ring for me. I had always wanted to buy a ring. It looked so pretty and kind of look like a wedding ring.

It was on Monday and I was resting at home. I took a day off from my part time work at the kindergarten. It was really stressful so I figure out that I needed a day off. It was afternoon and the postman came by. My mom picked it up and gave the parcel to me. She was curious on what are the parcel for. I opened it up and my mom saw the ring. She was so shocked and keep on asking questions. I ended up telling everything to her. It was funny yet nerve wrecking as well. I had never tell anything about my love life to my mom. It seems embarrassing topic to talk about with your mom. Aaron was the first guy I'm talking about to my mom.

"So when did all start? Can I see the ring?" My mom asked.

I shyly showed the ring to her and began to explain every single details of my relationship to my mom. Now that she knows everything, she always teases me about Aaron. This is so embarrassing.

"Make sure you learn how to cook properly so that you can feed Aaron." She teased.

"MOM!!!" I covered my face.

It seemed funny how my mom always wanted to tease me about Aaron and I felt happy how my first relationship get blessing from my mom and dad. Family's blessings are so important, right? I always told Aaron about my day at home and how my mom always teases me.

"You know, my mom talk a lot about you at home. She even send regards to you."

"Really? What did she say about me? Am I handsome enough for her daughter? Send back my regards to her. " Aaron joked.

"Hey! So cocky, aren't we? My mom always asks about how you are doing with your internship. She always wonder about you."

"Aww, that's nice. My mom also like to talk about you too. I always show her all the pics you send to me and she said you are pretty. My 4th sister also send warm regards to you too."

"Omg, really? Your family is so nice! Send my regards to your mom and 4th sister as well."

"Baby girl?" he called me with cute nicknames.

"Yes?" I answered.

"When do you want to get married? What do you think about marriage?" he asked. My heart stopped when he asked me this question. I smiled and laughed a little before replying him. 'Whoa. Your questions are so straight forward." I replied. He smiled and laughed as well, 'Well, I am a straight forward kind of guy.'

I took a deep breath, smiling as I answered his question, 'Okay, so here it goes. I really wish to get married at 24 or 25 years old. I think marriage is a tolerance between a husband and wife. Husband and wife should tolerate between each other and always compromise as well. I also think that in marriage, husband and wife must compliment and give endless love to each other as well.'

"Wow. That is so detail. Thank you for your answer. I have something to tell you." He said.

I nodded and asked,"Yes, what is it?"

"Can you wait for me for another 2 years? Let's get engage for a year and get married the next year. I will save up money as much as I can for our wedding expenses and living expenses in the future." He asked.

My heart skipped a beat and I smiled when I hear what he said. I nodded in agreement, replying, 'Of course, I will wait for you. Let's get married in two years. I will graduate soon and get a job. Let's save money together for our future, baby.'

"Thank you for believing in me and I will do my best to make it happen. I love you." He replied.

"I love you more." I smiled.

Honestly, my heart fluttered when Aaron asks me to wait for him and give him 2 years' time period for our future together. I felt so happy and bless knowing that he actually wants me to be in his life not just as a girlfriend but as his future wife.

How in the world I get so lucky of having a boyfriend like Aaron. I smiled and continued spending the rest of the night, video calling him until both of us fall asleep.

"Baby, look at the camera. I want to screenshot this video call." I said.

Aaron smiled and posed his cocky face. I smirked and playfully roll my eyes. Honestly, he looked really hot.

"How do I look?" he teased.

"You look really handsome." I pouted.

"Hey baby girl. Can you roll your tongue like this?" He asked, all of a sudden. Aaron rolled his tongue and bragged about it. I rolled my tongue and showed that I can do it as well. I smirked and said, 'Hey, look I can do it too.'

"And.. done." He laughed. I raised an eyebrow, curious and asked, 'What are you doing? What did you do?'

"Just look at the picture I send you on whatsapp." He smirked.

Ping! One image sent from Aaron. I opened it and saw a picture of me rolling my tongue at him.

"Aaron! Why did you screenshot this! I look ugly in this picture." I whined.

"No, you're not. I really think you look extra cute in this picture. You look like a little kid. I really hope our future daughter look like you. You are pretty." He laughed.

"Hey! Really, you think so? And don't mostly daughters will look like their dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, probably. Anyway, you are cute in this picture and that's the fact." He grinned.

"But, I look really ugly when I cry though. My nose becomes red and I look like a mess." I laughed.

"Then, that will be the cutest face I will ever see in my life. Such a cute cry baby. I know you've been crying even while watching cartoon movies." He laughed.

"Well, I'm so touched and sensitive at certain scenes." I pouted.

"My cute baby. My girl. Let's watch online movies together sometime."

"Yes, we should. I love you and thank you for being with me."

"I love you 1 Billion times, my girl."

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