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The words from Professor Adam kept on ringing inside my head. I was awe struck and tongue tied when I heard what he said. I was in dazed for a few seconds. Luckily, I managed to answer him back.

I looked at the professor and then at Mila. I smiled and said, 'Well, of course, Professor. We'll be happy and glad to help Mila.' Professor Adam nodded and replied, 'Thank you, Alice and Mila, you can go and join your group.'

I turned around and glanced one more time at Mila. There she was, staring back at me. 'She must have known me, right? Her memories cannot be that bad, right?' I said to myself. It had only been 7 years. I saw Mila walked towards me. She kept on looking at me, wanting to say something to me.

She cleared her throat, before introducing herself, 'Hi. I am Mila Harris. I just change to Psychology. I was a literature major before. Nice to meet you guys.' Then, she took a glance at me for a few seconds. Kathy introduced herself cheerfully, 'Hi there! I am Kathy Gomez.' Then, she turned to her right to introduce Jeremy and me, 'This is my boyfriend, Jeremy Millers. And this is my best friend, Alice Clarke. Nice to meet you.'

Jeremy nodded hi to Mila and I just stared at Mila blankly. "What kind of fate is this? Meeting your ex best friend? Just when I thought my life is getting better, this kind of unexpected plot twist happen." I thought to myself.

"Alice. Alice!" Kathy shook my arm.

"Huh? What?" I answered, confusedly. I looked at her confused, waiting for her explanation. Kathy looked at me and said, 'We need to discuss our parts in the group assignment. Explain it to Mila. You are the team leader.' I regain my focus and explained all the details to Mila, 'Oh right. Here's the work you need to do.'

I began to explain all the work she needed to be done in details. Explaining what the course was about since she's new in this major. I like helping people in doing better in their studies. That is because I believe if we help other people, other people will help us in future. Spread the kindness and always be helpful. That is my life motto and will always be practice in my daily life.

20 minutes later, the class ended. Kathy, Jeremy and I parted ways as we don't have any class for today. I can finally continue sleeping at hostel.

"See you tomorrow, Alice and Mila." Kathy and Jeremy said.

"Bye. I'm going to sleep when I go back home." I joked.

"Oh. Okay Good bye." Mila mumbled, shyly.

I looked at Mila and smile politely at her. I remembered the advices my mom always told me. Back then, I told all my problems to her and she gave me a piece of advice while patting my back to calm me down. "Even if people treat us badly, never treat them the same way they treat you. Treat them better than they treat you. Be a better person and that is what makes you different from them." My mom said.

I smiled as I remembered my mom's inspirational advice and began to walk out of the lecture hall. As I walked out of the lecture hall, Mila called me. I turned around to face her.

"Alice!" She called.

"Yes, Mila?" I answer, politely.

"Do you remember me? Mila Harris? We used to be friends and go to the same middle school together." She said.

I braced myself, trying as hard as I can to not crumble in front of her, 'Yes. I remembered. How are you?' She glanced at me and asked, 'Alice, can we talk about what happen 7 years ago?' My heart stopped when I heard what she asked me.

A part of me wanted to hear what she wants to say. However, another part of me was still not ready to hear whatever she is about to say. I still have unwanted flashbacks of the past.

"Umm. Mila, can you give me time to discuss about what happen 7 years ago? I know it is already passed. I need time to be calm. I'll tell you when I am ready." I smiled.

"Oh. Alright then. I just want to say sorry and I will wait for you. I really want to be friends with you again. I miss my dorky best friend, Alice Bunny." She said.

Alice Bunny was the nickname Mila used to give to me back in our middle school days. No one calls me that anymore. It was because I really like rabbits and so obsessed with it. I really wanted to have it as a pet but my parents won't allow it.

"Give me time, Mila Panda. I will listen to your explanations and also the reason why you change your major. From what I remember, you really like literature back then." I said.

I looked at Mila's face expression carefully. Mila blinked her eyes, trying not to cry. She took a deep breath and refrained herself from crying. I looked at her worriedly and curious on what really happen to her. She looked at me in the eye, and replied, 'I will tell you all about it when you are ready to have a talk about the past.' Her voice seemed shaky. It was as if she was afraid of something. I wondered what it was.

I tried to change topic and mentioned about Johnny to her. I nodded and replied, 'Okay. Oh and you know that Johnny study here as well, right? Did you say hi to him?' She looked down, looking at the ground and said, 'I tried to approach him but he ignored me. I guess he is still mad for what I done to you.' I nodded and bid good bye to her, 'It's okay. I know he can be quite hot tempered. I'll talk to him. Okay, I'm going to go. Bye.' I walked out of the lecture hall and took a deep breath.

"Good job, Alice. You handle the situation well. Now time to talk to Johnny." I whispered to myself. I reached for my phone inside my bag and began to dial Johnny's number. A few seconds later, Johnny answered and I quickly asked him, 'Hello, Johnny. It's me, Alice. Where are you now? Do you have class right now?' Johnny answered, 'Alice, my buddy! No, I don't have class right now. But, I'm with Jenny at the café eating lunch. Why?' I looked at the time and asked him, 'Oh. Okay. I have something to talk about. Really important.'

Johnny then replied, 'Well, just come here. I'm sure Jenny wouldn't mind. You guys already close to each other ever since both of us double date back then.' I nodded in agreement and replied, 'Yes. I'm coming right now.'

Remember how I was so awkward with Jenny a few months ago? Jenny and I became close 2 months ago when Johnny, Jenny, Aaron and I went on a double date together. It was fun and all of us get along well. Johnny and Aaron talked about the football game they watched meanwhile Jenny and I were talking about make up styles and fashion. It turned out Jenny isn't that bad, after all. She was nice and friendly too. That's why we shouldn't judge people based on their first impression. Lesson learnt and let's become a much better person.

I ran to the café at the university. A few minutes later, I saw Johnny and Jenny were sitting at the corner of the café. I waved at them and they waved back at me. I walked towards them and took a seat next to Jenny.

"Hey guys. Sorry for disturbing you guys. There is something I need to discuss with Johnny. Jenny, you can stay here and help us too." I pouted, looking at both of them. Jenny patted my back, replying, 'It's alright, I understand. I'll be happy to help you guys. What is it about?'

I sighed heavily before I began my sentence, 'Okay. So, Mila just change to my course and she is in my group for the group assignment. I was okay with that but.. she says she wants to talk to me about the past.'

"What? That does look fishy. I wonder why she approaches you and me. What is the reason behind all of this?" Johnny said furiously. I looked at him and sighed, 'Hmm. I don't really know. I am confused on how should I deal with her. I have to see her almost every day.' Jenny tried to comfort me and she said, 'I feel sorry for you, Alice. I hope you can get through it. Let us know when Mila tries to do something bad to you.'

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