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Almost 3 months passed already and it was my last week of internship in CM Company. Time flies, right? I cannot believe it either. There were so many things happened throughout 3 months of my internship. I gained a lot of experiences, skills and also a bit of weight too. Just kidding! I am a bit worried though but luckily, I didn't gain that much weight. Just 1.5 kg.

It was funny that I assumed it that way because I would always eat snacks in between lunch breaks and tea time. Francisca is really skinny and her goal this year is to gain weight. I got close to her throughout our 3 months internship. I would always join her eating most of the time. I also made friends and got close to the other interns, Heather, Hannah and Matthew. The three of them were nice and friendly. We often helped each other on certain tasks.

I looked at the calendar, recalling all the events that happened recently. Last week, Francisca and I were in charge of organizing an event at the Art Gallery. It was for the fund-raising activity and also a family day bonding for all the staffs in the company. This event was a collaboration between our university, the company and also the Art Gallery. The event went well and smoothly according to the timeline. It was such a hectic and tiring experience I ever had. I had just realised that there were so many things to keep in mind when you are organizing an event. For instance, the guest list, the budgets for food, gifts and other expenses. Nevertheless, it was such a great experience for me. I thanked my internship partner, Francisca. 

Both of us endured painful experiences and hurdles throughout organizing the events. We did a total of 3 events during 3 months as that was, we are required to do in our internship. I remembered the times both of us sighed loudly while finishing our report. Francisca sighed loudly and said something encouraging for the both of us, "We can do this! No pain No gain. We have to make our parents proud of us." I smiled, nodding in agreement.

I smiled, remembering the memories I had for the past 3 months. Today was Monday morning, typical Monday blues. The five of us finished the task given and we just finished our lunch. We had 15 more minutes of lunch break left. 

Hannah and Heather went to grab another coffee to get energize. Matthew was taking a quick nap. He told us to wake him up if Mrs. Dale passed our area. Francisca was surfing the web, searching for reading materials for her students. She did a part time tutoring during weekends. I am amazed at how hardworking she is. I just finished watching another episode of dramas. I was shocked because the ending for this episode was mind blown and a total cliffhanger. "I couldn't believe it. It was her all along. I knew she killed her for the start." I said to myself.

"Who killed who?" Hannah asked. I was startled as I was deep in thoughts. I almost jumped out of my seat. I turned around and told her what happened in the latest episode. Heather listened to us intently who were discussing on the plot of the drama.

The three of us discussed deeply for the rest 15 minutes and we even exchanged opinions on other dramas. We also gave suggestion on what to watch next. It was fun meeting people who have similar interest as me. It really made my day.

A few days passed by so quickly and I cannot believe it was my last day of internship already. I am going to miss every moment of my 3-month internship including all the struggles and hurdles we had to overcome. I woke a bit earlier than I usually do. A part of me was feeling excited for my last day of internship. Another part of me will be missing this routine. It was a mixed feeling, to be honest. I went to take a shower for 20 minutes. 20 minutes later, I took a look at all my outfit and decided on what to wear on my last day of internship. I thought for a few seconds and picked a light brown blouse and paired with a black long skirt. 

"Let's wear this for today. Fighting and do your best for the last day of internship." I said cheerfully.

I grabbed a quick breakfast and headed to the company. 1 hour later, I arrived and bought a coffee at the cafeteria. I walked to my work station and greeted my friends. "Good Morning, guys! Let's be productive today since it is our last day of internship." I smiled brightly. 

Francisca nodded and replied to me, "Good Morning to you too, Alice! I cannot believe that it is almost over!" Hannah and Heather nodded in agreement.

 I asked, "Where's Matthew?" Heather shook her head, replied, "I don't know. Maybe he is late." Speaking of the devil, Matthew came in, rushing and sat down quickly. "Thank God! I am right on time." He sighed loudly.

Hannah giggled and said, "We were just wondering about you. How funny you are late on your last day of internship." I laughed. He smiled sheepishly, "Well, I stayed up late watching the soccer match yesterday." We talked for a few minutes before we continued doing our work and do our best for our last day.

It was already lunch time. The five of us were about to head to the cafeteria to eat lunch. I was already thinking on what to have for lunch. Just me being myself. 

"Hmm. Pasta or chicken rice? I am pretty starving so maybe I should get the chicken rice." I said to myself. 

As we were about to press the elevator button, Mrs. Dale and her secretary, Polly called us. "Are you guys heading to the cafeteria for lunch?" We nodded and about to excuse ourselves but Mrs. Dale interrupted us, "The five of you, come here! We prepared a farewell lunch celebration for you guys. It is the last day of you guys being a part of our Marketing team." I was shocked and disbelief, "Wow, I didn't expect this!" I gasped loudly.

Everyone laughed and all of us including the staffs went inside the meeting room and get our lunch there. There were so many foods on the table. Chicken rice, pesto pastas, noodles, pizzas and also desserts. "Wow! It's all the food I like." I said to myself. It was such a relaxing lunch break and I enjoyed it. Well, I enjoyed eating the food. Both Francisca and I really did. Hannah, Heather and Matthew enjoyed it as well.

An hour later, all of us including the other marketing department staffs finished lunch. Mrs. Dale stood up, about to say something. "Good afternoon everyone. Listen up here, today is the last day of our 5 hardworking interns be working as a part of our marketing team. As the head of the Marketing Department of the CM Company, I would like to say thank you for your hard work and give a token of appreciation to each of you."

Everyone gave a round of applause to her. Each of us were given a small gift of remembrance and certificates. It was such a beautiful experiences and memories. I would always reminisce and treasure these memories as a reminder for me to become better in future. That concludes what happened on the last day of my internship at CM Company. 

The clock stated that it was already half past 5 and it was finally time to go home. The five of us took a picture together just now. To capture last memories together. I walked towards the parking lot and went inside my car. I turned on the radio and drove home. 

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